The children

My fav character is Peter because he's so brave and even when he's scared, he doesnt show it. I like that in a character. I also like Lucy because she's so truthful and like never lies. The world would be a better place if we were all like Lucy.
will_is_my_man1234 said:
My fav character is Peter because he's so brave and even when he's scared, he doesnt show it. I like that in a character. I also like Lucy because she's so truthful and like never lies. The world would be a better place if we were all like Lucy.

We all need more Lucys in the world. We also need a lot of others though. We need people to redeem themselves like Ed. Even though we mess up, we can get back on the right path. That is what I always believe for Susan. That she will join her family in Narnia when it is time. I agree with unleavened, I do not think Lewis liked her much either. She had qualities though, such as being quite logical, which helps in some situations and she tried to take over the role of mother while Peter tried to take over the role of father. As for Peter, we all could use a bit of his bravery, even when the situation seems hopeless. They all backed each other up with their strengths and weaknesses so that where one might falter, the others would be there to help.
Susan all the way!

I think that I like Susan the most because she is practical(although sometimes taking it too far) and tries to do what is best for Ed and Lu esp. in TLTWTW.Sometimes though we need to have more faith that God(in the books Aslan) is always there for us and she just doesn't have it all of the time. Plus she's an archer and even though she doesn't fight much, that's still cool.
i used to like susan the most but now i like lucy becuz of her order for them is...

1. Lucy
2. Peter
3. Susan
4. Edmund
I like most of the characters.

Professer Kirke - He never made it back to Narnia till the end, but he never, ever stopped believing. He knew what was true in his heart.

Peter - He was already nearly a man when he entered Narnia the first time. Imagine the shock and the tendency to wonder if it was a dream. Many teenagers think they already know everything that's true and right - I was one of them. But Peter embraced where he was and what he became, and even in the face of incredible danger and fear, he always did what was right...and what's right isn't always easy.

Susan - She refused to believe until she was there, and even afterwards, her too-logical mind convinced her it was just a dream, just a game. But all the same, she fought for what she believed in when she was a believer - and that has to count for something.

Edmund - He was struggling, with his place in his family and his place in his world, then suddenly stumbled into this incredible new world. He met someone evil, and said things he shouldn't have - but how was he to know? Lucy, at that point, hadn't said anything about evil witches and over a century of hate. But he realized his mistakes, and repented. And he was forgiven. That forgiveness changed his entire life; it shaped the rest of his decisions.

Lucy - Is there ever anything so magical as the faith of a child? Her willingness to believe with all her heart and to trust her instincts no matter what made her one of the most faithful followers. She was strong, unwavering, loyal and true - and kept those same qualities because she had a family who supported her and believed in her.

And, of course, Aslan - a symbol of good, of light and knowledge and beauty, of truth and justice, courage, compassion, hope and faith. And of love - unconditional love. If I were a Narnian, I'd follow him anywhere. And I follow Him here, too, where He's known by another name.
My personal favorite is Lucy. Her innocence and faith is what brings the whole story along. Her personality is amazing and I wish I were her sometimes. Peter is my next favorite because he knows what he has to do and he does it, whether he's scared or not. He's very couragous. Next is Edmund. Edmund went through some enormous changes and it takes a strong-willed person to understand he was wrong and change so dramatically. Edmund has a lot of fire in him and I like it. My least favorite is Susan, and that's just because she's... different. Her lack of faith brings me down and I wish she was more optimistic. Susan is the character that I think could have been taken out and not much would have changed. Everyone had their place (Peter, the eldest; Edmund, the jealous traitor/englighted; Lucy, the innocent) except Susan. Susan was supposed to be the motherly one, but she just came off as pessimistic and lacking faith. It wasn't hard for me to let her go in LB... let's put it that way.
LadyofGreenKirtle said:
My personal favorite is Lucy. Her innocence and faith is what brings the whole story along. Her personality is amazing and I wish I were her sometimes. Peter is my next favorite because he knows what he has to do and he does it, whether he's scared or not. He's very couragous. Next is Edmund. Edmund went through some enormous changes and it takes a strong-willed person to understand he was wrong and change so dramatically. Edmund has a lot of fire in him and I like it. My least favorite is Susan, and that's just because she's... different. Her lack of faith brings me down and I wish she was more optimistic. Susan is the character that I think could have been taken out and not much would have changed. Everyone had their place (Peter, the eldest; Edmund, the jealous traitor/englighted; Lucy, the innocent) except Susan. Susan was supposed to be the motherly one, but she just came off as pessimistic and lacking faith. It wasn't hard for me to let her go in LB... let's put it that way.

I was upset about Susan. You know most of the books do not mention her point of view, so you do not know what she was thinking or feeling, unlike the other three. She was logical, but you saw her fully accept Narnia when she went to practice for the battle. And she could change and join others in Narnia after TLB.
Edmund symbolizes humanity; we've all fallen yet are able to be redeemed.

He's my favorite.
My favourite character has always been Peter, because he just has the responsibility of looking after his siblings THRUST on him and he handles that really well, and he doesn't care that Edmund betrayed them, all he wants is to do anything to get him back. He also kind of shields Lucy from Susan's (kind of) bullying and 'logic' and Edmund's evillness.
my favorite would have to be Edmund duh! because yes i love skandar and i think edmund is the only one of the children that actually act like if you had a chance to rule narnia?