The Chronicles of Narnia: the lion the witch nd the wardrobe


"Oh no Edmund already went inside" said Peter.
he looked at his 2 terrified sisters!
"What are we going to do?" Peter siad to Mr.beaver.
(sorry I havn't posted on this bored much)
....meanwhile at the witch's castle....

*Jadis got up from her ice throne and walked into the dugeon and stop infront of Edmund's cell and looked at him coldy and spoke*"why couldn't you bring your famliy all the way here to me with you why!!! and where are they now!?"
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"Because I had to sneak away!! If Lucy would have known where we were going, she might have not come!! I brought them halfway, they're at the beavers dam," said Edmund.
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
*Jadis glared at Edmund and spoke* "and when you were at the breaver's dam before you had to sneak away were they telling you anything?"
"Well, they were speaking of the prophecy, and of Aslan..." said edmund. "Whoever that is?!"
*Jadis yelled for Maugrim* "Maugrim get in here!!" *Maugrim came running in and spoke* "yes your majesty?" *Jadis looked down at the wolf*" Maugrim get your best wolves and go to the breaver's dam and if they are not there then go on and find them then you'll no what to do" *Maugrim noded and took off* *Jadis claped her hands together a Dwarf came into the room and spoke "yes your majesty" *Jadis spoke*"ready my slegh and take the human with you" *the dwarf walked passed Jadis and open the the cell door and walked in and grabed Edmund and dragged him pass Jadis to where her slegh was to be ready* *Jadis followed the dwarf and Edmund to her slegh* *The dwarf put Edmund at Jadis feet as Jadis sat at the top and the dwarf climbed in and grabed the reins and made the reindeer take off causing the slegh to fly across the snow*
(sorry if that post wasn't that good)
*she lookes down at Edmund but said nothing then went back to looking ahead to see if she can see any of Edmund's famliy so she could prevent them from reaching the stone table to get to Aslan*

the Beavers, Susan, Lucy and Peter were now all hiding in a cave until morning when they would set off early on thier quest to get to Aslan.

(ok I really hope this was ok.......if not feel free to tell me and I can change it...)

morning was now approaching and the sun had just starting shining through on a brand new wintery day, and once again Susan and the otheres set out on thier journey to reach the Stone Table ware they would meet the mighty Aslan in whom the've heard so much about. but as they journey'd they began to relize something wonderful and mustyious. instead snow covering the ground all over they began to see patches of green and birds were starting to sing as if spring were just beginning. then each of them relized that the witche's spell was finally beginning to break this news brought each of them new-found hope that just maybe everying would be alright after all. now thier was just one promblem they still had to cross the river and everyone knows that Srping meansno more ice which mean't they would have diffuculty crossing the river that was no longer fully covered in ice.

(I really hope this was ok.....)