"The Coldest Heart..Can Be Brought To Life."

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"I used all my sick days last month, so I've just been going after work. It's still so hard to believe..."
"Hey. He's gonna pull through. He's strong. I gaurentie(sp?), withing a week or two, he'll be up and about!" Josh said, trying to make Kaira feel better.
Josh blinked, surprised by the hug. He hesitantly reached up and hugged her back. "Just keep your spirits up."
Josh laughed, and raced after Kaira. "I'm going to beat you!" He cried, beggining to catch up...

OOC: Hey, where do they work, and what kiind of work is it?
Josh ran as fast as he could, coming to a stop at his cubicle at about the same time as Kaira. "How about we call it a tie?"
"Great." Josh said, a grin on his face. "Uh-oh, here comes the boss." Josh sat at his desk, trying to look busy...
Josh tried to look as bored as possible as the boss walked past. Boss gave him an odd look, but kept walking. Josh shot a thumbs-up to Kaira, with a grin.
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