The Duffer Encyclopedia


An honor bestowed on prominent and heavily used threads. The Sticky prevents the thread from getting lost in the ever-changing thread index order. In Dufferland, such stickys are especially valuable because Dufferland is a veritable labyrinth of threads and and threads so easily lose their way there.

Variant forms of the word are: Stickys (it is also spelled Stickies but that spelling is far less common) which is the plural form and Stickied which is used to denote that a thread has been given a sticky.

Submitted by ~Lava~
Mod Lounge, The

1. A mythical place that is believed by non-mods to be the secret meeting place of the mods. It is supposedly wonderfully decorated with purple curtains, a first-aid station, a full servicing kitchen, and a soda machine which is the home of a beast called Timmeh which likes to eat brooms and just about everything else.

2. Spoiler alert: it doesn't exist.

Submitted by IOWW
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i think there should be an entry for people too..haha
like Hb
Mf. (especially mf)

I've considered this before, but the mods tend to take a dim view of anything that could be considered as a "popularity contest". I think that such entries could easily turn into or be taken as that sort of thing, so I don't think it's going to happen.
I've considered this before, but the mods tend to take a dim view of anything that could be considered as a "popularity contest". I think that such entries could easily turn into or be taken as that sort of thing, so I don't think it's going to happen.

Yeah, for now, let's just not define people. ;)

Btw, Olorin, why was my house replaced with a trout? Really, I know my line was slim and rather unaccomodating, but it was my line! Now I live on a trout, and I'm going to have to spend thousands of dollars on air-fresheners and febreeze to counteract the horrible stench.
Why Olorin? WHYYYYY???? *dramatic shout*
There was nothing I could do! The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Lines (SPCL) contacted me and said that unless I took action concerning the line they would bring a lawsuit against me! Now, since I naturally didn't want to go around looking like a lawyer because I'd be wearing a lawsuit, what else could I do?
now who's going to bring the two families together? genius and insanity have been enemies for generations. do more people have to die because of this???
unfortunately yes because when that fine line between genius and insanity is erased it rips a hole in the space time continuum and millions of galaxies including ours will be sucked in to a vacuum of nothingness and all life will cease to exist.
derny... derny if you can hear us, there are about 2000 exiled duffers needing shelter immediately, i repeat, duffers in need of shelter immediately!!
unfortunately yes because when that fine line between genius and insanity is erased it rips a hole in the space time continuum and millions of galaxies including ours will be sucked in to a vacuum of nothingness and all life will cease to exist.


I take it you weren't paying much attention to the state of the universe last week.
There was nothing I could do! The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Lines (SPCL) contacted me and said that unless I took action concerning the line they would bring a lawsuit against me! Now, since I naturally didn't want to go around looking like a lawyer because I'd be wearing a lawsuit, what else could I do?

Well now I have PETA knocking on my trout (they proceeded to sue eachother for animal abuse after they realized what they had done) saying my living conditions condone cruelty to animals everywhere, and they're threatening to "free my trout from this tyrannical cruelty and slavery" by taking it away from me. Then I'll be homeless again! And I'll still smell like fish!
you could always move to an air freshener, but then what would be inbetween genius and insanity? nice smelling air? that's just.......brilliant..........the nice smelling air could bring the two houses together to celebrate the nice smeling air because everyone loves nice smelling air, but then what would there be to separate duffers from the reality that is the mythilogical outside........this scares me....PUT THE LINE BACK!!!!!! FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY AND FISHIENESS! PUT THE LINE BAAACKK!!!! *sobs a ocean of salt*
Entries that this thread is still lacking, anyone interested please start woking on them. (I'm too lazy)


Lonny's Notes. (Or maybe not. Personally, I feel that they deserve an entry)



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