The Edge Chronicles

Darth Sparhawk, you're right...they are crazy... well, they sound even more spychotic when you explain them, cuz if you go bk in this thread you'll see that you can't sum them up... so what you said isn't really the story...well it is, in a way...
sir gdfrey don't be discouraged, you should read them...
i finished reading VOX...well actually that wa slast week....its crazy and so i took a break from it since i read 5 edge chronicles in a row, lol!oh and i love xanth!

yeah...he has violet eyes... beat that!
hmm...its been so onlg and no posts?so has anyone read any lately? my exams finished today so i got freeglader...i'm not delaying anymoe...already stopped for like 3 weeks or more...i think, lol...i fee liike reading the last page.its so empting!but not gonna.edge rox!
please do!!! these books, as i said, are THE best books ive ever read, its PERFECT...its like watching a magnificent movie...the script, the action, the way ppl move from here to there...woah...
aaw..i felt like in the begining of freegladers and the stormhornet broke and so rook cant join in and fly with the others in their adventure...dont spoilers here:D
yeah, i saw them at the library about 2 months ago, but I didnt have a library card. :( or I would have checked some out. but i browsed through some. i found that 1 of that boy who gets raised by trolls er something like that.
yeah, i saw them at the library about 2 months ago, but I didnt have a library card. :( or I would have checked some out. but i browsed through some. i found that 1 of that boy who gets raised by trolls er something like that.
yeah...i read tht first and so far its my favorite!!!! hehe...its called beyond the deepwoods...its my favorite!!! so far....but i love xanth!!!
I just finished Freeglader1 I love the ending! I just woshed I didn't take so many pauses in between the book. I want to-and wanted to even before Vox-to read twilight before reading anymore edge chronicles...i have 3 left...