The Gone, Away, and Returned Thread II

Back on this thread again, I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone out West until the 20th, not sure if I'll be on the computer at all in that time.
I was gone for a month and like thirteen days. I was busy with summer school, camping, the Olympics, my Family Reunion, spending a week at my Grandma's, getting a new turtle (yesterday, actually, and Ginny is doin' fine :)), writing, and being an almost-sophomore in the middle of summer. But don't worry, I thought about TDL a LOT. You don't realize until you go into a new place how much you love a place, in this case, another forum. I've been to's forum, eh, it's okay, but no fun discussions like on TDL, plus most of the members are younger than me (their ages range from nine to thirteen, and I'm nearly fifteen.) Then on the 4th of August I got a TortoiseForum, which is okay to get turtle info for my two boxies, but otherwise is rather boring. So I came home to Narnia, and I'm rather happy. I can talk about randomness and not be ignored or looked at funny here. TDL is my home! :) and it'll always be.

You didn't visit me! *is sad* :(:p

I did honestly think of you several times while I was there but I was busy cooking and cleaning and making bouquets and ceterpieces and..... yeah, everything. O.o

My plan was to call you and have you hang out with me at the airport while I waited for my flight but one of the groomsmen was flying out on the same day as I was so I got to hang out with him.
I did honestly think of you several times while I was there but I was busy cooking and cleaning and making bouquets and ceterpieces and..... yeah, everything. O.o

My plan was to call you and have you hang out with me at the airport while I waited for my flight but one of the groomsmen was flying out on the same day as I was so I got to hang out with him.

*sigh* I'll get over it... ;):D