The Last Battle (My Version)

[An eighth chapter. Hope you enjoy]

Chapter Eight

Rishda and his soldiers were searching through Chippingford for wherever Marietta had gone to. Soon they came to the home of a Narnian merchant.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the tavern maid, Marietta?" asked Rishda, "Do you know where she might be?"

"The Dragon Inn has always welcomed the weary traveler who needs rest", said the Narnian merchant, "As well as our home."

"Is that so? Well, we'll put you and your family under house arrest as we sort this all out. "

"I tell you, Sir, we know nothing of the tavern maid!"

Rishda walked out and he locked the door of the house. Chlamash and Emeth wondered what he might do next. They help couldn't help but wonder if Rishda would go as far burning down all of Chippingford.

"Let's burn this home to the ground!", said Rishda, "Emeth, you shall do the honor."

"What!?", asked Emeth.

"These barbarians shall be made examples of!"

"But with all respect, my father, they are innocent! As a soldier, I was not trained to murder them!"

"Ah, but as a soldier, you were trained to follow orders from your commander!"

Emeth felt the anger inside. He knew that Rishda had gone mad. But could this mean he would have to defy his own captain? He looked on at the torch, and he decided he was not going to do it. He put the torch in a nearby stream and vanquished it. Rishda could not believe that one of his own soldiers would not obey a direct order! He had another soldier set the house ablaze. However, Emeth and Chlamash broke in and saved the Narnian merchant and his family. Soon enough, the town of Chippingford was ablaze. Emeth and Chlamash could not believe what was happening. Rhonda had written a message to Master Cordell and Madam Adela in Aslan's Howe, and have it sent to them by courier.

Cordell and Adela were at Aslan's Howe, getting things ready for survival. Bleakpond and Lilypaddle bought some eel pies and fricasseed frogs from the Northern Marshes. Then a courier came.

"Master Cordell", said the courier, "A message from Rhonda. It's about the Dragon Inn."

"What is it?", asked Cordell, and the courier gave him the message. He read it through, and it said that the Dragon Inn has been burned to the ground and just about the entire town of Chippingford was ablaze.

"Oh my", said Adela, "What could have happened?"

"Everyone was out of the Dragon Inn before it happened", said the courier, "Though I can't say for the citizens of the town itself, whether they got out of their homes."

Tirian, Eustace and Jill made it back to the tower safely. Then they heard news that the Dragon Inn had burned, and that the town of Chippingford was ablaze. Tirian knew that he would need to act with caution. The day before, he and Jewel unintentionally killed two Calormene slave drivers. Now there was something he was going have to deal with for the rest of his life. Emeth was sitting beneath a chestnut tree nearby, and he pondered on his devotion to Tash and his hope to meet Narnians in battle. However, it was not all he expected. He didn't carry out Rishda's orders to burn down the home of a Narnian merchant and his family. And could have falling in love with a Archenlander girl affected him in anyway? He began to worry about her safety, whether she may be. They both sang as they thought on this-

For the rest of my life
I will have to live with this
For the rest of my life
I’ll have to face the part I've played

These faces filled with grief and despair
Every morning when I wake up they'll be there
Seared into my memory
With a cruel burning knife
For the rest of my life

There’s a weight on my soul
Like a temple of stone
There’s a weight on my soul
A price never to be paid

The things I do, in your name
I feel just as the same
Like a brutal soldier
Who does anything he’s told
There’s a weight on my soul
For the rest of my life

Tirian and Emeth:
You know you’re in the right
It’s so easy to be wrong
You have to win the fight
Close your mind and heart up tight
And go along
Tell yourself you’re staying strong

You ramp up your ferocity
Excuse any atrocity
But once you've won
You have to live with what you've done

For the rest of my life
I will have to live with this

For the rest of my life
These questions are haunting me

Does a noble end mean any means will do?

Is power the only reason to follow You?

Tirian and Emeth:
And one final question
I see no answer to
For the rest of my life
How will I get through?
Unlike so many others
I have the rest of my life
To get through

In meantime, Marietta met up with Emeth, who was sitting beneath a chestnut tree. He was glad to see she was alright.

"This Tash you speak of. Is he...", asked Marietta.

"I've sought him since I was a boy", said Emeth, "I've prayed to him that we meet Narnians in battles, though it wasn't I expected. Then I met you, the most beautiful woman of Narnia."

As this went on, Emeth and Marietta took a stroll by the River Narnia. She had been taught that Calormenes, especially upper class Tarkaans, had been known to look down upon the lower class society. Perhaps now her view was changing.

"You've taught me so much about the Northern countries", said Emeth, "Now I am showing you my favorite spot at Lantern Waste since I've been here."

"I could never imagine that an upper class Tarkaan would fall for a girl who is a Tavern maid", said Marietta.

"I was taught the same about barbarians. I think now I am beginning to understand, being with one whose beauty illuminates the universe."

He took her by the hand, and they continued on their stroll in Lantern Waste. She was walking on a tree log. Soon, as she fell over, he caught her in his arms. Soon after, he put her down. What they didn't know that Shift and Ginger were watching them from a distance.

"Purrfect!", said Ginger.

Then Shift and Ginger decided to inform Rishda where Marietta was.

["For The Rest Of My Life" from The Prince of Egypt @Stephen Schwartz, all rights reserved.]
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[Hopefully you enjoy finding out what happens.]

Chapter Nine

Jewel knew that the thing that Shift has been bringing out of the stable at night was not Aslan at all. He was to be executed for refusing to acknowledge that it was Aslan. He even wondered what would become of his dear friend, Tirian, the last King of Narnia. Yet began to hope that he will see his dear friend again. As he pondered on this, he sang a song-

At the edge of darkness
Hope is whispering still
Tender, unerring
Gently stirring
Memories unfurling in the mind
Warm wind from a far, forgotten country
Long left behind

Wandering the empty road
In twilight's silver shade
Following the hidden paths
Lonely and afraid
Let the sunlight free the heart
Forever bound to roam
And let the waking morning find
The weary traveller returning home

Same refugees from Chippingford, most of whom that had lost their homes, arrived at Aslan's Howe. Even refugees from Cair Paravel were there. However, they noticed that Marietta was not with them.

"I thought Marietta would be here as well", said Bleakpond.

"i thought for sure she would have come here as well", said Cordell, "I thought she would have at least rallied with us when the Dragon Inn was burn!"

"Where could she be?", asked Lilypaddle.

"She's probably staying with Emeth, I'll be bound", said Bleakpond.

"Why would she even want to stay with a man?"

"That's what I would like to know", said Adela.

"I suspect there is something going on between them", said Bleakpond, "Though their relationship will turn into a lot of drama, I shouldn't wonder."

The refugees each looked at one another. Bleakpond suspected that there was something going on between Emeth and Marietta, from what he had seen at the Dragon Inn before it was burned. As for Cordell and Adela, who ran the Dragon Inn, while they were willing to welcome the Calormenes like anyone, they were mainly concern for Marietta's welfare. While they knew that Marietta was old enough to make her own decisions, they couldn't understand why she would choose to stay with Emeth, a man, instead of rallying up with those that she considered to be family.

"In the meantime", said Bleakpond, "What are we going to do for survival now that the Calormenes have taken Narnia?"

"We were able to save some food supply from the Tavern", said Cordell, "It will do for time being."

Emeth and Marietta were at different section of the encampment. After awhile, Chlamash had met up with them.

"How long will you be here?", asked Marietta.

"I do not know, darling", said Emeth, "Maybe if Rishda decides to send me back to Teshibaan, then I'll take you with me."

"Any chance he'll do that?"

"No. I'll that admit Narnia is a beautiful country, after you have taught me how to take a hand in it. However, you are even more beautiful."

Marietta smiled when Emeth said those words to her. She never thought she would hear something like that from anyone, let alone a Calormene and even one who was a son of a upper class Tarkaan.

"It it is a touching moment to see my best friend in a happy mood", said Chlamash.

"I'm glad I came to Narnia", said Emeth, turning to Marietta.

"Why is that?", asked Marietta.

"I would never met you, radiant one."

And Emeth kissed Marietta. It was a beautiful moment. Chlamash turned away not wanting to watch them kiss. He was glad for his best friend to be in love, but this was all too much for him.

["Song of Hope" from Lord of the Rings Musical @A.R Rahim and Christopher Nightengale, all rights reserved).
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[Another Chapter]

Chapter Ten

Cordell and Adela have thought of heading towards back to Archenland. However, now that the Calormenes have taken Narnia, they could take Archenland in the next week or so.

"The Tisroc had always wanted the Northern countries for his own", said Bleakpond, "Maybe in the end, everything will turn out alright, like they have always done."

"Maybe one day, the real Aslan will set things to right as He's done in the past", said Cordell.

Cordell gathered up the refugees from Cair Paravel and the Tavern and he suggested that they call on Aslan to come and make things right in Narnia.

Tirian and the two children, Eustace and Jill, now disguised as Calormenes, were waiting for the right time to go to Stable Hill to help free Jewel.

"It has to be done after the midnight meeting has broken up", said Tirian.

"You mean when everyone is asleep?", asked Eustace.

"That's right. Calormene sentries will be on watch, but will most likely be asleep."

"Sometimes the best thing are done under cover of darkness", said Jill.

"Yes, but great caution must be taken as well. The ape could have spies posted as well."

"Oh, yeah."

"Jill, you lead the way to where Stable Hill might be. But we'll wait until after the midnight meeting is over, after everyone has gone home."

They nodded and waited until the midnight meeting was over.

"I wonder", said Eustace, "What has become of the Tavern Maid?"

"I do not know", said Tirian, "She mentioned that she has feelings for a young Calormene soldier. I'm sure he feels the same for her. Oh, I think the Calormene captain has it in for her as well."

"Oh dear", winced Jill.

Shift and Ginger arrived at Rishda's headquarters, and they saw that the he was holding Tirian's circlet and Marietta's dancing scarf. He put them back somewhere among his clothes when he saw Shift and Ginger.

"Where you've been?", asked Rishda.

"Noble Tarkaan", said Ginger, "We have something tell you, concerning one of your young officers."

"Who'd that be? Emeth? I've known that boy to be rash...:

"Oh yes", said Shift, "Well, we were watching him.. and well, he's..with a girl..."

"A girl huh? Who is she?"

"Well, let's see... she sings", said Ginger, "Oh, her voice is nice to hear, though really high and fast at times."

"And I think she also dances in the street of Chippingford", said Shift.

"You mean the Tavern maid", said Rishda, "Wait, what? Where is she?"

"She is at this moment, here at Lantern Waste", said Shift.

"And she's with Emeth", said Ginger.

Rishda had an idea. He would have Emeth and Chlamash be put on night watch further away in Lantern Waste. Then sent two Calormene soldiers to take hold of Marietta and bring her to Rishda's headquarters. Some might wonder why would even Rishda would take interest in a "barbarian" like Marietta, who was not of noble birth. There was possibly other Calormene nobles available for him. But Marietta really had caught his attention.

It was about time for the midnight meeting. Chlamash and Emeth were to attend, with them being soldiers and all.

"So what is happened at the midnight meeting?", asked Marietta.

"I'm sure it's going to be the same as always", said Emeth, "The ape and the cat will each make a speech about Aslan."

Two Calormene soldiers appeared. Emeth and Chlamash wanted to know what they wanted. They couldn't even help but wonder if Rishda had sent them. If it was going to be something about Rishda sending them for Marietta, Emeth was certainly not going to let them take her.

"Chlamash, Emeth", said a soldier, "You two are to be on night watch."

"But I can't leave Marietta", said Emeth.

"I can look after myself", said Marietta.

"There's something going on between you two?", asked another soldier.

"Well, yes, there is something going on between these two", said Chlamash, "Though it's not really my affair to meddle with my best friend's personal affairs."

The two soldiers looked at one another and shrugged. Soon, they left for the midnight meeting. Chlamash shrugged and decided they would be on night watch. They were assigned to Stable Hill. But Emeth was worried about Marietta. Emeth put his arms around Marietta and kissed her cheek. Soon, Emeth let Marietta go, then he and Chlamash headed towards where Stable Hill was.

At the midnight meeting, the bonfire lit once again. Next moment, Shift opened the Stable Door, and came out the yellow figure again. Shift bowed three times low. Then the Narnians cried out once again,

"Aslan! Aslan! Be angry with us no more!"

After a minute or so, the yellow figure turned and waddled back into the stable. The stable door was shut again. The midnight meeting had broken up. Some Calormene soldiers were taking bound Narnians with them as well.

Marietta waited for Emeth to come back after being on night watch. She went outside to check things out. Soon after, two Calormene soldiers got hold of her.

"Let go of me!", she cried out.

"Now, now, Missy", said a Calormene, "The captain, Rishda Tarkaan, has demanded that we bring you to him."

Marietta knew at once this could not be good. It was obvious that he was not going to give up that easily. She didn't know what was worse: Rishda making her his slave or forcing her to marry him.

"Now you come with us!", said the other Calormene soldier.

The Calormenes took Marietta to Rishda's headquarter. She couldn't help but wonder what does he want, yet at the same time, she had a feeling what it would be.

The Calormene soldiers took Marietta inside of Rishda's headquarters. They told her to wait and they left. They had gone to Rishda to inform him that Marietta was now inside of his headquarters. Meanwhile, Marietta saw some Calormene maid servants in the tent. The imperial maidservant was in charge, and she attended to her. Then Marietta noticed that one of them was not a Calormene.

"Rhonda?", asked Marietta, recognizing her friend at once, "But how?"

"After I saw Chippingford being ablaze, I thought I would make myself useful", said Rhonda, "I thought I disguised myself a maidservant for the Calormene when I overheard Rishda talking to his soldiers to bring you to his headquarters."

"Do you know what he'll do?"

"I actually don't want to think about it. But I'll think of something to get you out of here. Perhaps, I can go get Emeth and Chlamash should anything happen."

After they bathed her, the maid servants gave her a dress, fitting for a Tarkheena. Then they arranged her hair, and put flower and jewelry in it.

"Ma'am", Marietta said to the imperial maidservant, "Do you suppose, Rishda would come to his senses?"

"I've served under him for as long I can remember", said the Imperial maidservant, "Though I don't always appreciate everything he does. I've ever heard of that he doesn't believe in Tash."

"Chlamash have said something about Rishda not believing in Tash."

"And I've heard of you and Emeth. Calormene culture is complex when it comes to marriage."

"That's what I've heard. But no one should be forced to marry against their will. What do you think is causing Rishda not to believe in Tash?"

"I suspect he wants to gain more power, being a military leader. Though I can't say for sure."

"I think it's more than that ", said Rhonda.

"The King of Narnia told me to be careful and advise me not to give in to Rishda", said Marietta.

"It sounds like wise advice."
[Let's just say it's getting pretty heavy]

Chapter Eleven

Emeth and Chlamash went a little further away to be on night watch. Emeth smiled as he thought of Marietta.

"So you have found a girl of your dreams", said Chlamash.

"There is something special about her", said Emeth, "But I wonder if I am her type."

Emeth have sought Tash since he was a boy, and thought he'd be meeting Narnians in battle, like any soldier would. However, little did he know he would meet someone special. Yet wondered if he was her type or even if she was his type. He sang on he thought on this.

So many times, I've seen a pair of lovers walking in the night
They have a glow around them, it almost look like Tash’s light
I thought I'd never knew what it was like but I wish with all my might
At times I wonder if I was ever meant for Tash's light.
Then suddenly a maid with a beautiful voice smiled at me
And she kissed my cheek without a trace of fright
I dare to dream that she'd care for me and as I keep watch tonight
My dark night seems so bright
It must be Tash's light

Meanwhile, Rishda was looking upon the bonfire that was still lit, even after the midnight meeting had broken up. He took off his helmet as he was doing this. He even looked on at where his headquarter was. He had just been informed that Marietta was now inside of his headquarters. Now he that he's had her where he wanted her to be. He was the captain, but he seemed troubled. Should he rid his mind of her as the Calormene captain or should he claim her as his bride? It almost confused him. He sang as he looked on to the bonfire and was holding her scarf close to him-

Beata Zardeenah
You know that I am powerful man
Of my success I am greatly proud
Beata Zardeenah
You know that I am so much stronger than
The common, weak, lower-class crowd

Tell me, Zardeenah
Why I see her dancing there
Why her smoldering eyes scorch my soul
I hear her, I see her
The sun caught in her golden hair is blazing beyond all control

It's like fire, Tash fire
This fire that burns night and day
This burning desire
It's turning me away

It's not my fault, I'm not to blame
It's the tavern maid the enchantress who set this flame
It's not my fault, if in Tash's plan
A demon is so much stronger than a man

Protect me Zardeenah
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my strength and pride
Destroy Marietta and let her taste the fires of Tash
Otherwise let her be mine and my only bride

Tash fire, dark fire
Now tavern maid it's your turn
It's me or it's your pyre
Be my bride or you will burn

Tash have mercy on her
Tash have mercy on me
But she will be my bride or she will burn

Tirian, Eustace and Jill started their work. Jill led the way, knowing her way through the woods. They used the North star, known as Spear-Head. Normally there would be a "good night" or a hoot from an owl. However, it was all so quiet. Jill led through woods and another secret place.

"If she has dryad's blood in her", said Tirian.

"What helps is that she's small", said Eustace.

Jill told them to be quiet. Soon, they got to where Stable Hill was. There was a Calormene soldier on watch, who was asleep. Tirian went over to talk to him.

"Are you a warrior of the Tisroc (may he live forever)?", asked Tirian.

"I am", said the Calormene soldier.

"It cheers my heart to meet thee among all these beasts and devils of Narnians. Give me thy hand, friend.”

Before he well knew what was happening the Calormene sentry found his right hand seized in a mighty grip. Next instant someone was kneeling on his legs and a dagger was pressed against his neck.

“One noise and you're dead,” said Tirian in his ear. “Tell me where the Unicorn is and you'll live.”

“B—behind the stable, O My Master,” stammered the unfortunate man.

“Good. Rise up and lead me to him.”

The Calormene sentry led to where Jewel was behind the stable. Meanwhile, Jill thought she have a look inside the stable. It was dark like any stable. She saw a there was a donkey with a lion skin. She took out her knife, and held it towards him.

"You have to come along with me", said Jill to the Donkey.

Jill lead the donkey out of the stable, and walked slowly. The Calormene sentry and Tirian saw where Jewel was behind the stable. Tirian was happy to see his dear friend.

“Stand here, sentry, with your back to the wall. So. Now, Jewel: set the point of your horn against this Calormene’s breast.”

“With a good will, Sire,” said Jewel.

“If he moves, rive him to the heart.”

"There's been nothing trouble for me", said the sentry.

With the remains of them he bound the sentry hand and foot. Finally he made him open his mouth, stuffed it full of grass and tied him up from scalp to chin so that he could make no noise, lowered the man into a sitting position and set him against the wall.

“I have done you some discourtesy, soldier,” said Tirian. “But such was my need. If we meet again I may happen to do thee a better turn. Now, Jewel, let us go softly.”

They went back as quietly as possible to the place where he had left the children. As one might say it was all a good night's work. Tirian and Jewel saw Eustace, and they walked back. However, they noticed Jill was missing.

"Is she not with you?", asked Tirian.

"I thought she was with you, Sire", said Eustace.

They stood still for a moment. There were now so many different things to worry about that they didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, they heard sound of drums. Tirian knew at once it was dwarfs. The noise of hoofs came steadily nearer. And then, quite close to them, a voice whispered:

“Hallo! Are you all there?” It was Jill's.

“Where have you been?” said Eustace in a furious whisper, for he had been very frightened.

“In the stable,” gasped Jill, but it was the sort of gasp you give when you’re struggling with suppressed laughter.

“Oh,” growled Eustace, “you think it funny, don't you? Well all I can say is—”

“Have you got Jewel, Sire?” asked Jill.

“Yes. Here he is. What is that beast with you?”

“It's’s him,” said Jill. “But let’s be off home before anyone wakes up.”

And again there came little explosions of laughter. They were getting ready to head back.

"So what is this beast, Jill?", asked Eustace.

"The False Aslan", answered Jill.

"What!?", asked Tirian, "Where you've been!?"

Jill proceeded to tell Tirian and Eustace of all that she did, how she went inside the stable and found the donkey with a lion skin on. She lead me him out of the stable. She even said that the donkey was tired of being inside the stable.

"I must say, for a moment, I was angry with you", said Eustace, "Well, if she was a boy, she'd had to be knighted."

"If she was a boy, she'd be whipped for disobeying orders", said Tirian, pulling out his sword, "I draw my sword to smite the head of this donkey!"

"You must not!", said Jill, standing in between Tirian and the donkey, "It wasn't his fault! It was all the ape's doing! He is sorry and he's a nice donkey! His name is Puzzle!"

Tirian rewarded Jill for being the most wood wise, but was furious as well for being the most disobedient. He decided to let Puzzle live.

"What do you have to say for yourself?", asked Tirian.

"I'm sorry if I'm done wrong", said Puzzle, "Shift told me that Aslan wanted me to do this. I thought he'd know. I am not clever like he is. He'd never let me out of the stable except for a minute or two. They forgot to give me any water."

They heard the sound of drums coming closer. Jewel knew at once that the dwarfs was coming nearer.

"Do we still want to meet them?", asked Jewel.

"We'll meet anyone now", said Tirian, "We'll have this donkey to show them! They shall see the thing they've feared and bowed to! We'll show the truth of the ape's secret plot! Tomorrow, we shall hang the ape on the highest tree in Narnia! No more whispering or skulking or disguises! Come on, let's share the news we have for the dwarfs!"

["Heaven's Light" and "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame @Alan Menkan and Stephen Schwartz, all rights reserved.]
I am so, so grateful to you for finding a word OTHER THAN "whole" to rhyme with "soul." Old-time Southern gospel singers just COULD NOT GET ENOUGH of saying, "He saved my soul and made me whole."

More pertinently, I like how you blend your own additions into the part where Jill intercedes for Puzzle.
I am so, so grateful to you for finding a word OTHER THAN "whole" to rhyme with "soul." Old-time Southern gospel singers just COULD NOT GET ENOUGH of saying, "He saved my soul and made me whole."
Oh yeah. Now some may wonder what Rishda’s next plans are. And what will Emeth and his friend Chlamash do?
More pertinently, I like how you blend your own additions into the part where Jill intercedes for Puzzle.
Oh yeah. Filling in the gaps that are in the book.
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[A twelfth chapter]

Chapter twelve

Meanwhile, Rishda and two soldiers had gone back to his headquarter. They saw Marietta and the maid servants were there. Now Marietta looked as she was a tarkheena.

"Fair Marietta", said Rishda, "You get more beautiful every day."

"What am I doing here?", asked Marietta.

"I think it should be obvious, my dear." Then he turned to the soldiers and the maidservants, "Will you leave us?"

"But sir, I can't leave my friend alone with you", said Rhonda.

"I am the Captain of the Calormene army! I can decide for myself!"

The Calormene soldiers and the maid servants bowed. However, the imperial maidservant was horrified, that while she served under Rishda, she would never occur to her what he was capable of. Then Rhonda knew at once she must get to Emeth and Chlamash. They soon left the headquarters. In the meantime, Marietta stood there nervously. She was certainly not liking the way Rishda was looking at her.

"My dear sweet one", said Rishda, "You think you can escape from me? You might think twice about that! You're mine!"

"Aslan would never allow this happen!", said Marietta.

"Oh, you're probably aware that there is no such person as neither Aslan nor Tash"

"Then why you say I'm a goddess if you don't even believe in your god, Tash? I know Emeth won't stand for that!"

"A rash boy with a naive girl! My dear sweet one, you shall know what my love for you is."

"I love Emeth and he loves me!"

"Oh, one so naive! As one of the poets said, 'Deep draughts from the fountain of reason are desirable in order to extinguish the fire of youthful love.'"

Marietta felt shivers down her spine as Rishda said those words to her. She was a tough young woman, but now she felt frightened of Rishda.

"Now your tavern may be gone now and Narnia is a Calormene province", said Rishda, "As for your home country, Archenland....well... the fate of Archenland lies in your hands."

"But why me of all people?", asked Marietta.

"I wish it were that simple, my dear. I would spare Archenland and let it remain as a free country if you agree to my Tarkheena. Yes, renounce your faith in Aslan as their is no such person as neither Aslan nor Tash and be my tarkheena."

"You're a monster"

"My dear sweet one. Renounce your faith in Aslan, that's all I ask of you. Say yes, you'll be my tarkheena! My love for you is like fire! It burns day and night!"

"But why me?"

"Think of it, sweet one, we'll live in a palace, I'll give you all the jewels of the Calormene empire, I'll adorn you. Say yes, you'll renounce your faith in Aslan as their is no such person as neither Aslan nor Tash. That's all I ask of you, to say that there's no such person as neither Aslan nor Tash, and you'll be my tarkheena."

"I wouldn't give you the pleasure!"

"Oh, I always get what I want!", said Rishda as he was getting closer to Marietta.

Tirian, the two children, Jewel, and Puzzle were ready to meet with the dwarfs. Jewel counted thirty dwarfs with two Calormenes at the front, and two at the rear. They stopped before them.

"Stay soldier", said Tirian to the chief soldier, "Where do you lead these Narnian dwarfs?"

"My lord", said the chief soldier, "We lead these dwarfs to work in the mines of the Tisroc (may he live forever)."

"By the great god Tash, they are obedient dwarfs. Tell me, dwarfs, has the Tisroc conquered your land? Is it that you go and die in the salt mines of Pugrahan?”

The two soldiers glared at him in surprise but the Dwarfs all answered, “Aslan’s orders, Aslan’s orders. He’s sold us. What can we do against him?”

“Tisroc indeed!” added one and spat. “I’d like to see him try it!”

“Silence!” said the chief soldier.

"Look!", then Tirian signaled Puzzle to come forward, "It's all a lie! Aslan hasn't come at all! You've been cheated by the ape! This is what he brought out for you see!"

"Have you gone mad, my master?", asked the chief soldier, "What are you doing to the slaves?"

"Who are you?", asked the other Calormene soldier.

"You give the password at once lest you feel the point of my spear!"

"Oh, so you want a password? Here's my password: The light is dawning, the lie broken! Now beware, for I am Tirian of Narnia!"

He flew upon the chief soldier like lightning. Eustace, who had drawn his sword when he saw the King draw his, rushed at the other one: his face was deadly pale, but I wouldn’t blame him for that. And he had the luck that beginners sometimes do have. He forgot all that Tirian had tried to teach him that afternoon, slashed wildly (indeed I’m not sure his eyes weren’t shut) and suddenly found, to his own great surprise, that the Calormene lay dead at his feet. And though that was a great relief, it was, at the moment, rather frightening. The King’s fight lasted a second or two longer: then he too had killed his man.

"Watch out for the other two!", Tirian shouted to Eustace.

But the dwarfs fought the two other Calormenes until non were left. Tirian struck Eustace on the back, telling him what a good job he did.

"Now dwarfs", said Tirian, "You are free! Tomorrow, I'll lead you all to help save Narnia! Three cheers for Aslan!"

"Hooray!", said the dwarfs, though there wasn't much excitement.

"What's wrong?", asked Jill, "Didn't you hear what the king said? The ape is not going to rule Narnia anymore! You can go back to ordinary life and have fun again! Aren't you glad?"

"Who are you, miss?", asked a dwarf with black hair and beard.

"I'm Jill, the same Jill who rescued King Rilian from the enchantment and this is Eustace who did it too!

"We've come back after hundreds of years!", said Eustace, "Aslan sent us!"

“I don’t know how all you chaps feel, but I feel I’ve heard as much about Aslan as I want to for the rest of my life."

"That's right, Griffle", said another dwarf, "It's all a blooming plot."

"How so?", asked Tirian.

"We've been taken in once", said Griffle, "Do you expect us to be taken in again? Look! Nothing but a donkey!"

"Why you've made me mad!? Who said that was Aslan!? Can't you see that's the ape's imitation of the real Aslan!?"

"I suppose you even got a better one!"

"I don't have any! I serve the real Aslan!"

"Where is he!?", demanded the dwarfs, "Show him to us!"

"You think I keep him in my bag!? Who I am that Aslan should come at my biding!? He's not a tame lion!"

"So that's what all the stories say!"

"Then you don't believe in the real Aslan?", asked Jewel.

"I've seen him!", said Jill, "And He sent the two of us out of a different world!"

"They taught you your stuff alright!", said Griffle to Jill.

"You give a lady a liar to her very face!?", asked Tirian.

"I don’t think we want any more King- if you are Tirian, which you don’t look like him—no more than we want any Aslans. We’re going to look after ourselves from now on and touch our caps to nobody.”

“That’s right,” said the other Dwarfs. “We’re on our own now. No more Aslan, no more Kings, no more silly stories about other worlds. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs.”

And they began to fall into their places and to get ready for marching back to wherever they had come from.

“Aren’t you even going to say thank you for being saved from the salt-mines?”, asked Eustace.

“Oh, we know all about that,” said Griffle over his shoulder. “You wanted to make use of us, that’s why you rescued us. You’re playing some game of your own. Come on you chaps.”

And the Dwarfs struck up the queer little marching song which goes with the drum-beat, and off they tramped into the darkness, "The Dwarfs are for the Dwarf!"

"Are we going to let them walk?", asked Eustace.

"I think there's little we can do", said Tirian, "Come on, let's go home!"

As they were heading towards back the tavern, Puzzle noticed a dwarf with red hair and beard following them.

"Who goes there?", asked Tirian.

"Poggin the Dwarf, Sire", said the dwarf, "I’ve only just managed to get away from the others. I’m on your side, Sire: and on Aslan’s. If you can put a Dwarfish sword in my fist, I’d gladly strike a blow on the right side before all’s done.”

"Very well said, Poggin. We're more than happy to count you as one of us. We're heading home for much needed sleep. Tomorrow, we shall hold council."

They head back for the tower to get much needed sleep.
Chapter Twelve (continued)

Emeth and Chlamash had been night watch. They headed back to Lantern Waste, but noticed Marietta was missing. They went to Rishda's headquarters, thinking she may be there. While there, Rhonda had met up with them.

"Rhonda, have you seen, Marietta?", asked Chlamash.

"Yes I have", said Rhonda, and she proceeded to tell them of how she disguised herself as a maidservant for the Calormenes and how Marietta is at Rishda's headquarters. Emeth and Chlamash went inside of Rishda's headquarters. They found Marietta who was in tears and frightened. Emeth was horrified to see what had happened to her.

"Marietta, what happened?", as Emeth ran over to Marietta, and put her arms around her.

Marietta was choked up, she couldn't talk. Chlamash was in shock as well. Rhonda went inside and was in shock to see her best friend like that. She couldn't help but wonder if it was something Rishda did.

"We need to head back to our section", said Chlamash, "Marietta, you're going to be alright. We'll get you out of here before Rishda comes back."

Emeth carried Marietta out, and they headed back to another section of the encampment, where Emeth and Chlamash were stationed. In the meantime, Coriakin had met up with them.

"I think she's been through a lot", said Chlamash.

"Oh dear", said Coriakin, "Looks to me like she's gone through something traumatic."

Coriakin gave her some tea made from fire flower to help soothe her. She thanked Coriakin and he left soon after. They decided to get much needed sleep.

The next morning, Poggin got up before anyone else did. He used Jill's bow to shoot wood pigeon and rabbits. He also got some Frenzy, Narnian weeds. It actually tasted good when cooked. He put the weed in a pot, and made stew for breakfast or dinner. Tirian and Eustace and Jill got up half past ten, and smelled the stew. Jill would be stirring the pot and at times look at the window. She watched Jewel and Puzzle graze on the grass, and wished she could as well. Tirian expected Eustace's sword, and scolded him for forgetting to cleaning it. Eustace cleaned the sword. Soon after, each had two helpings of the stew passed around.

"Well, friend Poggin", said Tirian, "You have more news of the enemy then we do. Tell us what you know? What do they tell of my escape?"

"It's a sly as a tale was ever devised", said Poggin, "The cat Ginger told it. You know how prim and proper a cat can be when it pleases. He says that you were howling and cursing Aslan and even says that Aslan came and swallowed you up whole! It made many more afraid and more obedient to the ape!"

"What policy! This Ginger is in the ape's council!"

"I wonder if the ape is even in his council! The ape has taken to drinking! I do think that the plot is now carried on by Ginger and Rishda, that's the Calormene captain. And I think some words that Ginger has scattered among the Dwarfs are chiefly to blame for the scurvy return they made you."

Then Poggin proceeded to tell what he over heard Ginger and Rishda talking about their secret plan. They planned to make Shift do what they've said.

"Well done, Poggin", said Tirian, "Now we see clearly who are friends and enemies are"

Suddenly, it got dark in middle of the day. They wondered if they were imagining it or did it just happened.

"It's so cold", said Puzzle.

"Yes, and ugh!", said Tirian, "What foul smell is this?"

"It smells like something dead!", said Eustace.

Then they looked on. In the shadows of the trees, far side of the clearing something was moving. It was gliding very slowly Northward. At first glance you might have mistaken it for smoke, for it was gray and you could see things through it. But the deathly smell was not the smell of smoke. Also, this thing kept its shape instead of billowing and curling as smoke would have done. It was roughly the shape of a man but it had the head of a bird; some bird of prey with a cruel, curved beak. It had four arms which it held high above its head, stretching them out Northward as if it wanted to snatch all Narnia in its grip; and its fingers—all twenty of them—were curved like its beak and had long, pointed, bird-like claws instead of nails. It floated on the grass instead of walking, and the grass seemed to wither beneath it. It streamed away into the thicker trees on their right and disappeared. Then the sun came out again, and the birds once more began to sing once again.

"What was that?", asked Eustace.

"I've seen it before", said Tirian, "It was curved in stone, overlaid with gold and had diamonds for eyes. I was not much older than you were when I went as a guest in the courts of Tashbaan. The Tisroc took me to the Temple of Tash. There I saw it, carved high above the altar."

"So that's what it was. It was Tash."

"You alright there?", Tirian asked Jill.

"I think so", said Jill.

"So there seems to be a real Tash after all", said Jewel.

"I think the Ape will get more than what he bargained for", said Poggin, "He called for Tash, he has come."

They saw that Tash has gone northward to the heart of the Narnia. Tirian knew that they've called it, and it has come. No one should call for demons unless they mean what they say. They even wondered if Tash will be visible to the ape. Jewel suggested they should meet with Roonwit the Centaur and the reinforcements from Cair Paravel. Tirian was opposed to the idea at first, but there were many things to worry about. Now that Tash was on the loose, was there anything safe now? Tirian and the children bathed in ashes and oils to remove the dark skin coloring, and were restored to their normal skin color. Tirian, Eustace and Jill put on new set of Narnian clothing, and Tirian and Eustace started carrying long straight swords.
You do a masterful job of NOT telling too much.

"It's as sly a tale as was ever devised," said Poggin. "The cat Ginger told it. You know how prim and proper a cat can be when it pleases. He says that you were howling and cursing Aslan, and even says that Aslan came and swallowed you up whole! It made many more afraid and more obedient to the ape!"

This reminds me of a custom in ancient Egypt. If the Egyptian army lost a battle, as long as the defeat was not SO severe as to dethrone the current Pharaoh, the Pharaoh would order his court scribes to write that Egypt had WON the battle.
You do a masterful job of NOT telling too much.

"It's as sly a tale as was ever devised," said Poggin. "The cat Ginger told it. You know how prim and proper a cat can be when it pleases. He says that you were howling and cursing Aslan, and even says that Aslan came and swallowed you up whole! It made many more afraid and more obedient to the ape!"

This reminds me of a custom in ancient Egypt. If the Egyptian army lost a battle, as long as the defeat was not SO severe as to dethrone the current Pharaoh, the Pharaoh would order his court scribes to write that Egypt had WON the battle.
I actually didn't think about that! We kind of know that Ginger has been known for for inventing the many lies about Aslan! Though it's usually best not to give anything away!

Now some may even wonder what will become of Emeth's devotion to Tash. Will it come down to where he would have to choose between his god or a girl?
[My apologies for the delay for getting around to the next chapter. I’ve just been busy. Though here it is.]

Chapter Thirteen

Tirian led the way, then Eustace, then Poggin and Puzzle, then Jill and Jewel walking along aside. You might as well say Jill fell in love with the unicorn. She thought she was the most gentle, delicate creature. He was soft at speech and you'd hardly notice how fierce he could be in battle.

"How nice is this", said Jill, "Just walking along like this. There's so much stuff going on in Narnia."

"Well, you're quite mistaken, sister", said Jewel, "You Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve always show up from your own strange land when Narnia was stirred-up. You must know it wasn't always like that."

Jewel proceeded to tell the story of Queen Swanwhite, who lived in the days before the White Witch and the Great Winter. It had been said that Queen Swanwhite was known for her great beauty, her reflection was shown into forest pools. There was also Moonwood the Hare who was able to hear whispers at Cair Paravel from Caldron Pool. There was also King Gale who was 9th in descent from King Frank I. He saved the Lone Islands from a dragon, and was earned the title of Emperor of the Lone Islands.

"I hope we can settle the ape and get back to normal", said Jill, "Our world will have an end some day. Jewel, do you suppose that Narnia will go on forever."

"Nay, sister", said Jewel, "All worlds come to an end, except for Aslan's own country."

Marietta had been in deep thought the next morning after waking up. So much had happened. She was grateful that Emeth, Chlamash, and Rhonda were there. Coriakin arrived to see how she was doing.

"Marietta, you've been through a lot last night", said Coriakin, "Perhaps, you should tell us."

"I'm not sure I want to talk about it", said Marietta.

"Marietta, you're my best friend", said Rhonda, "Please, tell me, what did Rishda do to you?"

She proceeded to tell of all how two Calormene soldiers took her to Rishda's headquarters and what Rishda did to her. Emeth was horrified, not believing that his own captain would do such a thing to a young woman.

"Marietta, could you testify?", asked Chlamash.

"I would like to", said Marietta.

"Perhaps you should speak with the King of Narnia", said Coriakin, "Tell him that you would like to testify."

Marietta nodded. Soon, Coriakin left. Rhonda looked on, and was glad to hear that Marietta would like to testify.

Jewel, Puzzle, Poggin, and Eustace and Jill stopped when they saw a bird soaring above. They wondered if it was a friend of a spy of the ape's. Jewel knew at once it was Farsight the Eagle. Farsight landed in front of them.

"Hail King", said Farsight.

"Hail Farsight", said Tirian, knowing it was a friend.

Then Farsight proceeded to tell of all that had happened. The Calormene navy had taken Cair Paravel, and Narnians flying left and right to the woods. The Tisroc raised his banner at Cair Paravel. Then proceeded to tell that Roonwit the Centaur had been killed by a Calormen.

"I was with him at his last hour", said Farsight, "He said to give you this message: a noble death is a treasure that no one is too poor to buy."

"Narnia is no more", said Tirian.

Tirian and his friends sat down for a moment. They didn't shed a tear or said a word, though. Finally, Jewel stamped his hoofs and shake his mane.

"Sire, what more is there to be need of council?", said Jewel, "We see that the ape's plan was deeper than we have ever thought. No doubt he was in secret communication with the Tisroc and when he found the lion skin, he sent word to the Tisroc to make ready his navy in taking of Cair Paravel and all Narnia."

Tirian suggested that Eustace and Jill should go back to their own world as things were getting too dangerous. Eustace and Jill couldn't go back because they had no magic for it.

"You must go your way south to Archenland where you'll be safe", said Tirian.

"But we don't know the way", said Eustace.

"Now that the Calormenes have taken Narnia", said Poggin, "They'll most likely take Archenland in the next week or so. The Tisroc have always wanted the Northern countries for his own."

They decided to head for Stable Hill and expose the ape, and show them the donkey. Now that they don't have Puzzle to bring out of the stable, it gave Tirian an idea. Poggin even suggested that they could live in hiding in the woods, since Calormenes were not very good woodsmen. They would live like outlaws, out drive the Calormenes, and Narnia would be revived. The same happened when the Telmarines took Narnia, and during the time of King Miraz.

Rishda had gone back to his headquarter after having a talk with Ginger about their plans for the next midnight meeting. Meanwhile, a Calormene soldier who was thick and had a big beard came into his headquarters.

"You've sent for me, Captain?", asked the Calormene soldier.

"I'll place you inside the stable with a drawn sword", said Rishda, "Kill any Narnian who willing goes in there. However, do not do anything to Ginger."

"To hear is to obey. And what about the girl, the Tavern maid I mean?"

"She belongs to me, make no mistake about that!"

"But won't you reconsider this? She is a tavern maid, and a lovely one, I'll admit. But from what I can see, if she belongs to you, then you treat her more like property."

"I'm determined to have her as my tarkheena! Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

Later that evening, the Calormene soldier went inside the stable with his drawn scimitar.

Later that evening, Emeth and Marietta had gone to where a white rock shone like marble was. It was a lovely place. Marietta sat on it while Emeth stood close by it.

"So will you speak with the King of Narnia?", asked Emeth, "I mean, about what Rishda did to you?"

"Yes, I would like to testify", said Marietta.

"I just don't understand why he'd tell me all this time, my mother and father wouldn't approve of my involvement with you, yet all the while, he wants you for himself."

"Master Cordell and Madam Adela have been wanting to find me a suitable husband. I never understood why parents would have to make that kind of decision."

Marietta slid off the white rock and Emeth caught her in his arms. He looked into her blue-green eyes. His dark eyes brought a glow in her. In the meantime, Tirian, Eustace and Jill had come to watch from a distance.

"Well, you're a Tarkaan soldier and I'm a tavern maid", said Marietta, "Well, at least I was."

"I don't care about that", said Emeth, "We can marry whenever you want. I would even give up my title as a Tarkaan to be with you."

Tirian was actually quite touch by their feelings. Emeth was willing to accept Marietta as she is, as a Northern "barbarian", a Tavern maid, and not even of noble birth. She was willing to do same to him as well. They sang-

Sometimes I see past the horizon
Sure of my way where I am going -
But where's the one I have my eyes on?
Where? There is just no knowing!
And when despair tears me in two
Who can I turn to but you?
You know who I am...
Take me as I am

Look in my eyes
Who do you see there?
Someone you know or just a stranger?
If you are wise
You will see me there!
Love is the only danger!
Love meaning me
Love meaning you
We'll make that one dream come true!
You know who I am...
Take me as I am

Emeth and Marietta:
Though fate won't always do what we desire
Still we can set the world on fire
Give me your hand
Give me your heart

Swear to me we'll never part! (We'll never part!)
You know who I am (You know who I am)
This is who I am (This is who I am)
Take me as I am...

As the last verse ended, Emeth and Marietta embraced one another and shared another sweet tender kiss. It was beautiful.

"Eew! Yuck!", said Eustace and Jill.

Tirian nudged to Eustace and Jill that they should head back to Jewel, Poggin, Puzzle, and Farsight. So they did, and decided to rest until the midnight meeting. Soon, Emeth and Marietta broke away.

["Take Me As I Am" from Jekyll and Hyde @Frank Wildhorn, Leslie Bricusse, Steve Cuden, all rights reserved.]
[A fourteenth chapter]

Chapter Fourteen

After awhile,Chlamash and Rhonda met with Emeth and Marietta at the White Rock. Chlamash reminded Emeth that the midnight meeting was going to start soon. Marietta was now in a battle dress that Coriakin had given her. She was not much of a warrior, but she had practice wielding a sword and using a bow and arrow to defend herself.

"I perhaps should get to Aslan's Howe", said Rhonda, "And informed Master Cordell and Madam Adela..."

"I'll look after Marietta", said Emeth, "And please, be safe, Rhonda."

"Thank you."

Rhonda gave Marietta an encouraging hug then hugged both Emeth and Chlamash. Soon she left for Aslan's Howe. She appreciated Emeth looking after Marietta, her best friend. She actually wanted what was best for her, despite their racial differences. Meanwhile, Chlamash, Emeth,and Marietta went to where there was a white rock that shone like marble. They stood between the white rock and where the stable was. Marietta saw that a bonfire was lit, and there was a sound of a beating of a gong.

"What is to happen?", asked Marietta.

"I wonder what Rishda is going to say about his unbelief in Tash", said Clhamash.

"Maybe the monkey is going to come up with something", said Emeth.

Rhonda had gone back to Aslan's Howe. She could not believe that Marietta told her what Rishda did to her. Though she tried to push it out of her mind.

"Rhonda, where have you been?", asked Lilypaddle.

"I was with Marietta, who's with Emeth", said Rhonda.

"Just as I suspected", said Bleakpond, "I thought there was something going on between those two."

"How could she do this?", asked Adela, "I can't argue that she's a beauty, but now she's staying with a man, a Calormene."

"There's more than you think", said Rhonda.

"What do you mean?", asked Cordell.

Then Rhonda proceeded to tell of of all that had happened, how she, Emeth, and Chlamash went into Rishda's headquarters and saw Marietta there.

"Oh dear", said Adela.

"Rhonda", said Cordell, "Do you think..."

"Yes, she told me what Rishda did to her", said Rhonda.

"I shouldn't wonder if that was that man's intentions", said Bleakpond.

Tirian, the children, Poggin, Farsight, Jewel, and Puzzle were resting nearby while they were waiting. Then Tirian heard the sound of a beating of a gong. He suggested that they creep around while the crowd of Narnians gather. Puzzle stood further until Tirian gave him a signal to come forward. They took the position on the right. Tirian saw dozens of eyes shining in the reflection of the fire, but couldn't see them. Somewhere on his left, there were three figure.

"There's the Calormene captain", said Tirian in a low voice.

"Rishda", said Poggin in a low voice.

Indeed it was. Rishda was coming forward, and was dragging Shift to the front. Ginger was following close behind as well. Marietta, as she standing next to Emeth, wanted to be sure that Rishda didn't see her, though.

"Come along, Lord Shift!", said Rishda, dragging Shift.

"Captain, not so fast!", stated Shift, whimpering, "My head! These midnight meetings are getting too much for me! Apes aren't meant to be up at night!"

Tirian saw the cat as well. There must be something between Rishda and Ginger. Rishda told Ginger to take his place in the front row, and see that he does his part.

"Sire, stay in the shadows", said Poggin to Tirian, "Look in the right direction, they'll see you for sure."

"What is Rishda going to do?", Marietta asked Emeth in a low voice.

"I do not know darling", said Emeth in a low voice.

"See those drums over there?", asked Chlamash, "Those are Calormene bull hide drums."

"What are they used for?", asked Marietta, "Sacrificial ceremony?"

"Actually, Calormenes used that to call for reinforcements", said Emeth, "I have a feeling Rishda might use those drums to call for more Calormene soldiers."

Meanwhile, Shift and Rishda were standing in front of the stable before the audience. The whole thing was set up like a theatre. The Narnians were the audience, the stable hill was like the stage.

"Now listen, all of you", said Shift to the crowd, "A terrible thing happened! A very wicked thing! The most wicked thing that was ever done in Narnia! And Aslan-"

"Tashlan!", whispered Rishda.

"Oh yes, of course. I mean Tashlan is very angry about it!"

Eustace and Jill in the sideways of the stable were really confused. Obviously "Tashlan" was "Aslan" and "Tash" blended together.

"They've been saying that Aslan and Tash are one and the same", said Emeth.

"So they would blend those two names together", said Marietta, feeling disgusted.

"I think it's more like Rishda thought of it and now he's controlling Shift", said Chlamash.

"At this very moment, as the Terrible One himself is among us", said Shift, "In the stable, just behind me, there was one wicked beast who chose to do something that no one would dare to do even if it was hundreds of miles away. It dressed itself up in a lion skin, and wandering about in the woods, pretending to be Aslan."

The beasts were snarling and growling. Jill wondered if the ape has gone mad and was going to tell the whole truth. Soon, the beasts were quieted down.

"It was seen last night", said Shift, "But it got away. It's a donkey! A common miserable donkey!"

Marietta was horrified, but now fully understood. She realized that Rishda and Shift mixed in a little truth to make their lie stronger. Nearby the stable, Tirian understood it as well. Poggin couldn't help but wonder if this was a new lie that Ginger was making. Jewel whispered to Jill to go behind the stable, and free Puzzle of the lion skin. She did so.

"After a horrible thing like that", said Shift, "Aslan, ah Tashlan, is angrier than ever! He's been good to you coming out to be looked out! Well, he's not coming out anymore!"

There was dismay in the crowd of Narnians. Then a voice told them to be quiet. Poggin knew at once that it was Griffle the dwarf.

"We know why he isn't bringing Aslan out", said Griffle, "He only had a donkey with a lion skin. Now he lost that, he doesn't have anything to show us, and doesn't know what to do."

The dwarfs began a jeer, "Doesn't know what to!"

"Quiet, children of earth!", said Rishda to the dwarfs, "Listen, you other Narnians, unless I give order to my warriors to fall upon you with the edge of the sword! Now, Lord Shift has told you of that wicked donkey! Do you think that because of him there is no real Tashlan in the Stable? Then beware!"

"Oh yes, show us what you got in there", demanded the dwarfs, "Seeing is believing!"

"You dwarfs think you're very clever", said Shift, "Not so fast! Anyone can see Tashlan!"

"I don't understand all this", said a bear, "I thought you've said-"

"Listen! Anyone can see Tashlan, but he's not coming out! You have to go in and see him!"

The crowd of beasts leaped to their feet and started rushing towards the stable. Marietta wondered what this was all about. She even began to wonder what was inside the stable now.

"What sort of trickery is this?", asked Tirian.

"Get back! Get back!", said Shift as he and Rishda were pushing them back, "Quiet! Not so fast! Anyone can see Tashlan but you have to go in one at a time! Who will go first? What about one of you dwarfs?"

"Oh, come in and be killed", said Griffle, "How do you know what you got in there?"

"So you're thinking there's something in there! Who will go in first? He's been growling ever since the swallowed up the wicked king and brought fire down on the tavern! Who will go in?"

They all stood there a moment. No one seemed to be moving and no one said a word.

"What do you think it's really inside the stable?", asked Eustace.

"Who knows?", asked Tirian.

"Two Calormenes with drawn sides more likely than not", said Poggin, "One at each end of the door."

"Do you think it's that horrid thing we saw?", asked Jill.

"Tash", said Tirian, "There's no knowing. But courage. We are all between the paws of the True Aslan."

"I'll go in if you like", said Ginger, breaking the silence.

"That's the cat that's been working closely with Rishda", said Chlamash in a low voice.

"Well, don't blame me if he scares the whiskers of you", said Shift, "That's your affair."

Shift opened the door, and Ginger went inside. So what now? Suddenly, there came out a terrible noise, "Aiaow!" The cat came out, and let out a "Aioow!" He knocked over the ape, and ran up in a tree.

"I'd give my beard to know if the cat is only acting", said Poggin, "Maybe he found something in there that frightened him!"

"Now, Ginger, tell us what you've seen", said Rishda. But all the words that Ginger could get out was oioow.

It was realized that Ginger had lost his ability of speech. It had gone back to being a dumb beast. The talking beasts knew at the begging of the world, when Aslan turned the beasts in Narnian to talking beasts. He said if they weren't good, they would be turned back into dumb beasts. The beasts pleaded with Shift to stand between them and Aslan. Marietta wondered if the was play acting or real horror.
Chapter Fourteen (Continued)

"So Tash must be in the stable", said Emeth, "I wonder if I should go in."

"I don't know", said Chlamash, "What are the chances that Rishda is going to let you in?"

"Do you think he'd let both of us in there?", asked Marietta, "I know you spoke so much about Tash. Aslan must be in there as well. So perhaps I shall go in as well."

"I'd like to take you with me to the stable, darling", said Emeth.

"Ah yes, maybe you should both go in", said Chlamash, "But I don't know if Rishda will let you."

"My father", said Emeth, approaching, with Marietta in his arm.

"Is the Calormene captain really his father?", asked Eustace.

"No", said Tirian, "In Calormen, young officers address their senior officers as 'my father'."

"Hey, is that the tavern maid with him?", asked Jill.

"So it is. I suppose they just can't keep apart."

"Peace Emeth", said Rishda, "Who call you and your young woman to council? Does it come a boy and a girl to speak?"

"I am younger, but I am also blood of a Tarkaan as you are. I am also a servant of Tash. So therefore-"

"Quiet! Am I not your captain? You've got nothing to do with the stable. It is for the Narnians."

"Yet you've said that Aslan and Tash are all one! If that is so, then Tash is yonder! Why say I have nothing to do with it? I'd gladly die a thousand deaths and look at the face of Tash!"

"And if this Tash you speak of is real", said Marietta, "Then how can I know for sure but see him myself?"

"She is coming with me to look on the face of Tash!"

"You are fools, and don't understand anything!", said Rishda, "These are high matters!"

"Is it not true that Tash and Aslan are one? Has the ape lied to us?"

"Why, of course they're one!", said Shift.

"Swear it, Ape! Do you swear it or not?"

"Yes, I do!"

"Then we are determined to go in!"

"Hey, why let Narnians in and keep your own people out!?", asked Griffle.

Rishda shrugged, and held a hand up, "I am guiltless of these young fool's bloods! Alright, rash boy and naive girl, get in and make haste!"

"Oh, hold on there", said Shift, "You have to go in one at a time."

Emeth was now feeling conflicted. He had a longing to see Tash face to face. But now since he's been in Narnia, Marietta had affected him in some way. Now he wondered: should he go in on his own or stay with her. Chlamash stepped forward to see what was happening.

"Chlamash, the ape says we have to go in one at a time", said Emeth in a low voice, "What should I do?"

"Do you think you might be able to come back out once you've seen Tash face to face?", asked Chlamash.

"And what if you don't?", asked Marietta.

"Ugh, then Rishda will win you for sure", said Emeth, "I can't let him do that, sweet one."

"Perhaps you should go in. If you do come back out, we can get married as we planned.."

Emeth kissed Marietta on the cheek. After awhile Emeth went to the stable door. Shift opened the door, and stepped aside.

"I almost love this young warrior", said Jewel, "He may be a Calormene, but he's worthy of a better god than Tash."

"Yes, and even though a young Calormene officer and a Tavern maid wouldn't be my exact idea of a match", said Tirian, "They seemed to be happy and content."

Meanwhile, they heard a noise inside the stable. There was a fight going on, and a dead soldier was thrown out. Rishda looked down to feel for a pulse. There wasn't any.

'He's dead", said Rishda, assuming it was Emeth, "Listen to me! The rash boy has his will! He has looked on Tash and is dead! Take warning, all of you!"

Chlamash was in shock, thinking Emeth, his best friend, was dead. Marietta covered her face as she was in tears, thinking Emeth was dead. However, what they didn't know that the dead soldier was not Emeth.

"It's not the young officer", said Tirian.

"How do you know, Sire?", asked Poggin.

"I can see the body clearly. It's an older and thicker man with a big beard."

"Do you suppose it's a trick?", asked Eustace.

"Does the Tavern maid know that it's not him?", asked Jill.

"I don't know", answered Tirian.

"Anymore?", asked Shift.

Tirian and the children saw that the Calormenes were getting ready to drag a boar to the stable. Tirian decided he seen enough! They jumped out in front with drawn swords and arrow on the string.

"Here I stand, Tirian of Narnia", called out Tirian, "In Aslan's name to prove with my whole being that Tash is a foul thing, this ape a traitor, and the Calormenes, worthy of death! To my side, all true Narnians, lest your new masters kill you all one by one!"

Rishda leaped back into the crowd. He was not a coward, but he knew he wouldn't be able to take on a eagle or a unicorn easily.

"To me, warriors of the Tisroc (may he live forever)!", Rishda called out, "To me, all loyal Narnians unless the wrath of Tashlan fall upon you!"

Tirian had an idea. They shall see the wrath of Tashlan put into play. He grabbed Shift by the scruff of the neck. Poggin opened the stable door at once.

"Go in, and have a taste of your own medicine, ape!", and Tirian hurled the ape in there.

Poggin closed the stable door. The Calormenes looked on, and even Rishda was surprised. There was a blinding green light inside. There was a sound of squawking of a monstrous bird.
[A Fifteenth chapter.]

Chapter Fifteen

"Sire, look on the countenance of the Calormene captain", said Farsight.

"What of it?", asked Tirian.

"He has called on gods he does not believe in. How would it be if they have really come?"

In the meantime, Chlamash decided to head for Aslan's Howe, where he knew Rishda would send Calormene troops to launch an attack there. He went off, and Marietta saw that Tirian and his gang were there. In the meantime, Tirian rally up the Narnians to join their side. There was the dogs, mice, squirrels, a boar, and a bear. Marietta decided to join in as well. The rest, however, didn't want to. Tirian sent the mice and squirrels to unbind the cords of the horses that were bound at the bottom of hill. They scampered away, but there was little time to think now.

"Sire, the Calormenes assembled", said Jewel, "They've now come!

"Take alive all that you can", said Rishda to the Calormene troops, "Hurl them into the stable or drive them into it if you have to! When they're all in, we'll set the stable on fire to make an offering to the great god Tash!"

"So that how he hopes to win Tash's pardon for his unbelief", said Farsight.

"Alright, time for battle plans", said Tirian, who had little time as Rishda and his army were advancing, "Over to the left Jill, and shoot the arrows before they reach you. Boar and bear next to her. Poggin on my left; Eustace on my right. Hold the right wing Jewel. Stand by him, Puzzle, and use your hoofs. Marietta, stand on the other side of him, and wield your sword at them if need to or shoot them with the arrow. Farsight, fly over them and use claws and beak. Dogs, just behind us."

Then Chlamash left for Aslan's Howe. Meanwhile, the battle began! It was quite fierce between the Calormenes, their allies who were Slinky the fox, a wolf, a bull, and Wraggle the satyr, and Tirian and his army. Marietta's blood was running cold as she struck down two Calormene soldiers with her sword. She was able to shoot a couple of them with her bow and arrow. She heard Rishda's voice called out-

"Fall back!", he cried out, "Reform!"

The Calormenes fell back, and the Tirian and his army turned to the other direction as well. The losses were three dogs and a fourth wounded, and the bear. Tirian saw that the Calormenes were regrouping, and they had little time.

Chlamash arrived in time at Aslan's Howe to rally up the refugees there. He addressed the refugees and prisoners as the Calormene soldiers and rogue Narnians sent by Rishda were advancing.

"What is a Calormene doing here?", asked Master Cordell.

"Citizens of Narnia and Archenland!", Chlamash called out, "The Tisroc has sent the navy to ransack Cair Paravel! Rishda Tarkaan has ransack the tavern, the woods, the town of Chippingford, and has declare war on Stable Hill and Aslan's Howe! Will we allow it!?"

The Narnians and Archenlanders refugees decided no, they were not going to! They got every weapon they could find to defend for themselves.

"Chlamash, isn't it?", asked Master Cordell, "I'm sorry that I misunderstood!"

"No need to be sorry", said Chlamash, "Calormenes have been prejudiced of Narnians and Archenlanders as well. Now, will you help me?"

"Even to the death!"

Master Cordell and Chlamash rally up Narnian refugees from Cair Paravel and fought back the Calormenes and rogue Narnians that Rishda had sent!

Then Tirian heard the dwarfs jeering as well. He wanted them to join their side.

"Not likely!", said Griffle, "We don't want any more lions or Calormenes or kings or monkeys!"

"The dwarfs are for the dwarfs! Boo!", shouted the dwarfs.

Then they heard the sound of drums. It was the sound of a bull-hide drum. Eustace and Jill hated the sound, and they didn't know what it meant.

"Listen", said Eustace, "Drums."
"Does it mean more dwarfs are coming?", asked Jill

"It's a Calormene drum", answered Tirian, "It means more Calormene troops are somewhere near."

"Emeth told me of this", said Marietta, "Rishda must be calling for more soldiers to his aid."

"Sire, look!", said Farsight.

They looked up, and saw that the horses were free from their bonds. Just as Tirian and the rest were getting ready to cheer, there was the sound of hissing arrows from the dwarfs. They were shooting at the horses. Not one of the horses reached Tirian and the rest. Eustace and Jill were sobbing as the horses were shot dead.

"Brutes!", sobbed Eustace.

"Do not get your bow string wet, Jill", said Tirian to Jill, "Eustace, do not scold like a kitchen girl. No warrior scolds."

Marietta could not believe what she just saw. She never thought that the dwarfs would shoot the horses and she cried along with Eustace and Jill. She cried when she thought Emeth was dead, and now she was crying when the dwarfs have shot the horses before they could even reach them.

Emeth was not the dead soldier thrown out of the stable. When he went inside the stable, he saw there was a Calormene soldier in the stable, and they had a brief fight. He killed him, and threw him out. Emeth looked beyond, and found himself in a beautiful landscape. He kept calling out for Tash, but there wasn't any answer. When he was at a narrow space, there came a Great Lion. The speed of him was like the ostrich, and his size was an elephant’s; his hair was like pure gold and the brightness of his eyes like gold that is liquid in the furnace. He was more terrible than the Flaming Mountain of Lagour, and in beauty he surpassed all that is in the world even as the rose in bloom surpasses the dust of the desert. Emeth fell to his feet, and was in fear.

"Son", said the Lion, "You are Welcome!"

"Lord, I am no son of yours but a servant of Tash", said Emeth.

"Child, all the service thou hast done to Tash, I account as service done to me."

"Lord, is it true, as the Ape said, that you and Tash are one?"

"It is not!", the Lion growled, "We are opposite! I take to me the services which you have done to him. For I and he are of such different kinds that no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him. Therefore if any man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath’s sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him. And if any man do a cruelty in my name, then, though he says the name Aslan, it is Tash whom he serves and by Tash his deed is accepted. Do you understand, Child?"

"Yes, but I have been seeking Tash all of my days!"

"Beloved, unless your desire had been for me you would have not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly seek."

The Lion told Emeth that they shall meet again, and that he was to go further up and further. He was marveled that the Lion called him "beloved." In the meantime, he sat underneath a chestnut tree.
Chapter Fifteen [Continued]

Back at Stable Hill, Tirian heard that the drums were being answered. He, Marietta, Jewel, Poggin, Eustace, Jill, and Farsight were discussing on what they should do. Eustace was now hating the sight of the stable. Tirian wasn't fond of the sight either.

"We have little time", said Tirian, "We must attack now!"

"Sire", said Poggin, "If we advance, shall we not be encircled and get sword-points between our shoulders?”

"The further we are from the stable door, the better."

"Away from the stable and whatever demon dwells inside", said Farsight.

"I hate to think what the Calormene captain might do", said Marietta.

Tirian gave instructions. Marietta and Jill went close by where the White Rock was as Tirian instructed. Jill shot a wolf that joined the side of the Calormenes and two more soldiers. When three Calormenes got any closer to where the White Rock was, Marietta would put up a good fight and struck them down. She even managed to shoot about three of them before they got any closer. Farsight used his beak to peck at the Calormenes, and some covered his eyes with his helmet. Tirian, Poggin, Jewel, and Eustace were charging at the Calormenes, and fought them. It was going to work. However, Marietta saw that new Calormenes were coming from every direction, and these new ones had spears!

"Fall back to the rock!", Tirian called out.

Tirian and the rest went to join Jill and Marietta at the White Rock. Tirian wanted to compare the first fight and the second fight. However, Jill noticed that Eustace was missing.

"Calormenes are carrying him into the stable!", said Farsight.

"The rest of you, wait here", said Tirian, "Jewel, come with me."

Tirian and Jewel went over, and saw Calormenes carrying Eustace. But before they could reach them, the Calormenes threw Eustace into the stable, and close the door on him. Calormenes stood to form a line between the stable and the White Rock. There was no getting at it now. Jill was crying. Then there were arrows from the dwarfs. That time they were shooting at the Calormenes.

"30 of you keep watch over the fools at the White Rock!", Rishda commanded, "The rest of you, after me, that we'll teach these dwarfs a lesson!"

Tirian saw that Rishda and his soldiers were fighting the dwarfs, but it didn't last long. He and Jewel went to join the others at the White Rock. The Calormenes bound eleven dwarfs, and led them to the stable. The door was open once again.

"Throw them into the shrine of Tash!", said Rishda.

After each dwarf, after one and the other had been thrown in or kicked in the stable, the door was shut again. Rishda bowed low to the stable.
"These are also for your burnt offering, Lord Tash!", he said, "Tash! Tash! The great god Tash!"

"Tash! The great god Tash! Tash the Inexorable, the Irresistible!", chanted the Calormenes.

"At least that man has dropped his nonsense about Tashlan now!", said Marietta.

Poggin noticed water coming out of the White Rock. They decided to have a drink while they were still alive. It was refreshing. Then Tirian turned to Marietta.

"Marietta, tell me", said Tirian, "What did the Calormene captain do to you?"

She proceeded to tell him of all that happened the night before, and what Rishda did to her. Tirian was horrified to hear that the Calormene captain would do such a thing to a young woman.

"I have a feeling that one by one, we shall pass through that dark doorway before morning", said Poggin, "There's a thousand deaths I could think of that I would have rather died."

"I feel the same", said Marietta, "Though I'd much rather die than be the Tarkaan captain's bride."

"It is a grim door", said Tirian.

"Is there anything we can do to stop it?", asked Jill.

"No, fair friend", said Jewel, "It may be for us the door way to Aslan's country. We shall break bread at his table tonight."

"My lord King", said Marietta, "If it is at all possible, I would like to testify."

"I see what I can do", said Tirian.

"It might be too late for that now", said Poggin, "The Tarkaan captain approaches!"

Rishda has turned his back from the stable and approach the White Rock. He stood right before them. Marietta was sure she seen enough of him.

"Listen!", he called out, "If the dogs and the boar and unicorn and the tavern maid come over to me and put themselves at my mercy, they shall be spared! The boar will go into a cage in the Tisroc's garden, the dogs in the Tisroc's kennels, the unicorn when I have sawn his horn off will draw a cart, and the tavern maid will be mine and my only tarkheena! But the eagle, the children, and he who was the king will be offered to Tash this very night!"

The answer were only howls and growls. It would seem they have answered, "Who'd want that!?" "Never!" Meanwhile, Rishda got closer to Marietta, and she was shivering in nervousness.

"Time has come, sweet one!", he said to her, "You stand near the doorway of the shrine of Tash the Inexorable, the Irresistible. I can spare you from it if you will be my tarkheena! Choose me or the stable! What is your answer?"

Finally, Marietta had it! As Rishda was getting closer to her, she smacked him in the face! There was no way she was going to spend the rest of her life with a man like him! Now she'd had to go into the stable.

"Get on warriors!", Rishda called out, "Kill the beasts but take the two legged ones alive!"

Then the final battle began. It was hopeless with the spears. Everyone now was fighting for their lives. Tirian saw a big Calormene pulling Jill by her hair and threw here into the stable. Marietta decided to duel with Rishda, and it was done in slow motion. He soon knocked her out. Tirian took over dueling, which was also in slow motion. Rishda edged Tirian near the stable doorway on purpose since their dueling began. Two Calormenes were standing there, ready to slam it shut the moment he was inside. Then Marietta had an idea once she got herself up. She got herself over to where the stable was as Tirian and Rishda were dueling. Once they were near the doorway, Tirian swept his sword underneath Rishda's scimitar. Tirian seized Rishda by the belt with both hands. Marietta threw herself into the stable first. Then Tirian jumped back into the stable, still holding Rishda by the belt.

"You shall meet Tash yourself!", said Tirian.

Tirian and Rishda were inside the stable. Tirian found himself in strong light. He turned to look at Rishda, but Rishda was not looking at him. Rishda fell on his face down wards on the ground. A terrible figure came. It was smaller than what they've seen at the Tower, but still bigger than a man. He had four arms and a vulture's head. Marietta looked on and saw the horrible creature. She had heard of Tash, but it never crossed her mind what he might look like.

"You have called me into Narnia, Rishda Tarkaan!", it croaked, "Here I am! What have you to say?"

Rishda could not say anything. Tash pounced on the miserable Rishda, and tucked him right underneath his two right arms. Tash looked on and gazed at Tirian with one of his terrible eyes. He also looked on Marietta with his terrible eyes. Then there was voice from behind Tash.

"Monster, go away!", it called out, "Take your lawful prey to your own place in the name of Aslan and his Father the Great Emperor over the sea!"

Tash vanished with Rishda under his arms.

Marietta now looked cool and fresh as she had been bathed. She looked around for a moment, wondering where she was. She wandered, taking in all the beauty of the landscape, she saw a lion. He came closer to her. She fell at his feet.

"Child, you are welcome", said the Lion.

"Thank you, Lord", said Marietta, "But what has happened?"

"Daughter, you have showed so much dedication and were hardworking. You were also able to see the good in each person, regardless of what nationality. You did not give into the Tarkaan captain's proposal for marriage. Instead, you chose to throw yourself in. Once you did, the king of Narnia threw himself and the Tarkaan captain in."

"It's because I'd much rather have died than be the wife of a Tarkaan."

"Beloved, it was the choice you made. Now, come, there is someone waiting for you."

Marietta realized it was Aslan. He led her to where a chestnut tree was. He told her that they shall meet again, and she was to go further up and further in. Then he turned away. Then she saw a Calormene underneath a chestnut tree. She knew at once it was Emeth.

"I thought you were dead", said Marietta, coming towards him.

"No, no", said Emeth.

She sat down close beside him underneath the chestnut tree. He put his arms around her, and he told her of all that had happened to him. She even told him of all that had happened to her on the other side of the stable, how she threw herself into the stable. But now, she felt refreshed. They even told each other how they've met with Aslan.
[A sixteenth chapter. This is the final chapter, but there will be an epilogue after this]

Chapter Sixteen

Tirian have met with the seven kings and queens of Narnia. He knew the youngest king and queen, Eustace and Jill at once. He met with the High King Peter, then Lady Polly, Lord Digory, King Edmund, and King Lucy. However, he realized that Susan was not among them. Jill explained that Susan was interested in nothing those days but lipstick, nylons, and invitations.

"i wish she would grow up", said Polly, "She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she’ll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one’s life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can.”'

"Let us talk about it now", said Peter, "Look, there are lovely fruit trees! We shall taste them!"

They each had a taste of each fruit. It's hard to describe how they taste. The freshest grapefruit was dull, the juiciest orange was dry, the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. As they ate, they each told of what happened. Tirian noticed a doorway.

"It's the same door you came in", said Peter.

Tirian noticed something about the doorway. It looked as one can walk around it. The looked at the crack of the door. He saw the dull red glow of a bonfire that was nearly going out, and above that, in a black sky, stars. Then he could see dark figures moving about or standing between him and the fire: he could hear them talking and their voices were like those of Calormenes. So he knew that he was looking out through the stable door into the darkness of Lantern Waste where he had fought his last battle. The men were discussing whether to go in and look for Rishda Tarkaan (but none of them wanted to do that) or to set fire to the stable. It turned out that the stable was bigger on the inside than on the outside.

"In our world", said Lucy, "There was a stable that had something that was bigger than our world."

Then they explained that the cat Ginger had entered the stable. Tash was in the stable, which freaked Ginger out. Then Emeth went in there, and had killed the Calormene soldier placed in there. Then Shift was thrown in there, and Tash was there again. In one peck, Tash ate Shift. Then the dwarfs were put in there. Lucy tried to talk with them, but no use. Next Aslan had appeared before them. He stood before Tirian.

"Well done, last of the kings of Narnia", said Aslan, "For standing firm to the darkest hour."

Aslan explained to the others that He couldn't do anything for the dwarfs, for they are imprisoned in their own mind. However, made a feast for the dwarfs. The food tasted like hay, and the wine tasted like water in the feeding trough.

"Come, I have other work to do", said Aslan, "It's time! Time!

The door opened, and a giant woke from his slumber. It was Father Time. He blew his horn, and the stars fell from the sky. The stars went through the doorway, and stars were actually human like beings. Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace have met two before long ago. Then salamanders and dragons awoke as well. They were eating the vegetation that was in Narnia. Then there were all creatures that looked into the doorway. They all looked at Aslan for a moment. There were some that turned left, and no one knew what became of them. They disappeared into their own shadows, never to be seen again. Others turned right, and walked into the doorway. Father squeezed the sun as it were a ball until it all went out. Digory had seen a dying sun before. Those who walked into the doorway were all the beasts who died at the Battle of Stable Hill, as well as Roonwit the Centaur, Chlamash, the imperial maidservant, Master Cordell, Madam Adela, Rhonda, and Bleakpond and Lilypaddle the marshwiggles. Soon, so many were had gone through. The water in Narnia rose up, and it froze.

"Peter, close the door", said Aslan, and Peter did so, "Now lock it with a key."

Peter locked the door of the doorway. Lucy and Jill were saddened having seen Narnia coming to an end. Digory and Polly had seen Narnia began. They would have never thought of seeing it end.

"Sire", said a dog, "There's another Calormene and a young lady sitting underneath a chestnut tree."

"Is that so?", asked Tirian, "Lead us to them."

They went on. Tirian, Chlamash, and Rhonda knew at once that the two underneath the chestnut tree were Emeth and Marietta. Chlamash would have no idea that Emeth would end up in paradise, when he was seeking Tash. Emeth told his story of all that had happened to him, how he met with Aslan after he had gone through the stable. Then they realized that it was Narnia all along. Narnia was not dead at all.

“Listen, Peter. When Aslan said you could never go back to Narnia, he meant the Narnia you were thinking of", said Digory, "But that was not the real Narnia. That had a beginning and an end. It was only a shadow or a copy of the real Narnia which has always been here and always will be here: just as our own world, England and all, is only a shadow or copy of something in Aslan’s real world. You need not mourn over Narnia, Lucy. All of the old Narnia that mattered, all the dear creatures, have been drawn into the real Narnia through the Door. And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream.”

Marietta saw there was a waterfall. They were to go further up and further in. No one grew weary or tired as they were going up the waterfall. There was a gate. Tirian recognized a mouse to be one the heroes. It was Reepicheep.

"Come further and further in!", said Reepicheep.

Then Tirian saw his father, the good king Erlian. His mother was there as well. Jewel remembered when he was a colt, King Erlian gave him apples. Then there came Fledge, the flying horse. Then there was a great number of those who have gone on before. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marsh-wiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother the Star’s daughter and his great father Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Bern and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Truffle-hunter the good Badger with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance. From another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave Prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother, and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. There came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. The whole company moved forward to the center of the orchard where the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all, and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in those two thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might, for these two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended. And Tirian felt as you would feel if you were brought before Adam and Eve in all their glory.

[This seems like a good way to end the story. But it's not quite the end yet. As much as we would have liked for Emeth and Marietta to get married (I think we can agree that Emeth would have been a better husband for Marietta than Rishda) I'm afraid they won't. I didn't see any reason to have them get married. Wait for the epilogue.]
[Now the epilogue. It's been fun writing out a version of The Last Battle. There may have been some flaws, but no writing is perfect. Hope you enjoyed.]


There was such beauty in the new Narnia. Lucy was standing next to her dear friend, Mr. Tumnus. They were looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden.

“I see,” she said at last, thoughtfully. “I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside.”

“Of course, Daughter of Eve,” said the Faun. “The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside.”

Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all.

“I see,” she said. “This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful than the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see … world within world, Narnia within Narnia….”

“Yes,” said Mr. Tumnus, “like an onion: except that as you continue to go in and in, each circle is larger than the last.”

They looked this way and that and soon found that a new and beautiful thing had happened. Whatever anyone looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if they were looking through a telescope. They could see the whole Southern desert and beyond it the great city of Tashbaan: to Eastward she could see Cair Paravel on the edge of the sea and the very windows of each room. And far out to sea she could discover the islands, islands after islands to the end of the world, and, beyond the end, the huge mountain which they had called Aslan’s country. Meanwhile, Emeth noticed a building.

"There's the Dragon Inn", said Emeth.

"I thought it was burned", said Marietta.

"That was in the old Narnia", said Chlamash, "Now everything is renewed."

"Marietta, here are two people you should meet", said Coriakin.

Coriakin took Marietta aside and he introduce her to a couple who had fair skin. Coriakin told her that these were her birth parents, Arthur and Selena.

"A joy to meet with our daughter again", said Arthur.

"It's been so long since we've last saw you", said Selena, "We appreciate Coriakin to look after you, and for Master Cordell and Madam Adela to take you in."

In the meantime, six Calormenes ran into Emeth as well as did a Calormene couple. The man embraced Emeth at once.

"My son", he said, "All my seven sons are here."

"Father, mother", said Emeth, recognizing the man as Harpha Tarkaan, "But how?"

"We sought Tash as you did", said his oldest brother, Arsheesh Tarkaan.

"We haven't sought Tash as if he was real", said Isildria Tarkheena, "I don't think any of us would be here now."

"Mother, Father, here's someone I like for you to meet", then Emeth turned to Marietta, who was talking with her birth parents.

"Emeth, please meet my birth parents", said Marietta.

"And I take you're Marietta's man", said Arthur.

"Well, I guess you could say that", said Emeth, and he shook hands with Arthur and Selena, "Marietta, please, meet my parents, Harpha Tarkaan and Isildria Tarkheena."

"So Emeth's girl is a Northerner", said Harpha Tarkaan, "We thought of finding a wife for him, but I suppose there's really no point now."

"If Narnia had not ended, I don't think you would have approved."

"So this your girl, little brother", said Arsheesh Tarkaan.

Then Emeth introduced Marietta to his six brothers. They had such a great reunion with families. Tirian went over to see how they were doing. He gave Emeth a hug for taking care of Marietta. Then Marietta embraced him for letting her to help defend Narnia in the last great battle. Then Lucy noticed that there was a New England. Then she saw Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie walking in the new England. So it was Narnian with within Narnia as well as England within England. Meanwhile, Aslan had a talked with Puzzle. He whispered in Puzzle's ear. At first, Puzzle's ears went down. Then his ears perked up once again. Then he noticed that Lucy was not happy.

"We're afraid of being sent back to our own world", said Lucy.

"There's no fear of that", said Aslan, "Have you not guessed? There was a real rail way accident. You all are what you used to call in the land of the shadows- dead. The term is over! The holidays have begun! The dream has ended! This is the morning!”

And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion Susan was attending an event, now that she was not interested in Narnia any longer. However, she got news when a member of the Scotland Yard came in.

"What is it?", asked Susan.

"Miss Pevensie?", asked the Scotland Yard investigator.


"There was a railway accident. They were able to identify the bodies. Three of them were Peter, Edmund Lucy."

"You mean my two brothers and sister?"

"I'm afraid so. As well as your cousin Eustace Scrubb. Your mother and father were also in the accident."

Susan realized her family was gone. It was all of a shock for her. What now? She realized they were right all along. Once again, she believed in Narnia. She married, and they had two children. She would tell them all about her childhood and adventures in Narnia. When she died, she was reunited with her family.

And for us this is the end, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before. To wrap up, those in the New Narnia gathered around and sang-

Though worlds will die and worlds will grow Out of death, life
Out of night, day, glory from sorrow
Out of grief, joy
Out of storm, comes strength for tomorrow
Out of dust, gold
Out of fire, air, comfort forsaken
Out of rage, calm
Out of loss, find, glory awaken

Curtain Call:

Stars (including Ramandu and Coriakin), King Frank, Queen Helen, Fledge, Moonwood, King Gale, Queen Swanwhite, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, Mr. Tumnus, Forest animals, Mice, Nymphs, Bree, Hwin, King Lune, Cor, Corin, Aravis, Ram, Peridan, Caspian X, Dr Cornelius, Caspian’s nurse, Reepicheep, Trumpkin, Trufflehunter, Glenstorm, Drinian, Bern, Ramandu’s daughter, Rilian, Glimfeather, Puddleglum, and King Erlian and his Queen.

Bear, boar, mice and squirrels, mole, rabbit, lamb, dogs, Slinky the Fox, Wraggle the satyr, Bull, Wolf, Roonwit, and Beech Dryad

Calormene soldiers


Bleakpond and Lilypaddle, Master Cordell, Madame Adela

Aslan and Tash

Digory, Polly, Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Jill

Poggin, Farsight, and Puzzle

Shift, Rishda, and Ginger

Tirian and Jewel

Chlamash, Emeth, Rhonda and Marietta.

["Wonder" from Lord of the Rings (Musical) @A.R Rahim and Christopher Nightengale, all rights reserved.]

[That is the end of the fanfic. Please feel free to to share your thoughts in a PM or here in the forum (whichever you prefer). Who was your favorite OC? What was your favorite scene? Did the songs fit? Were there any changes from the original source that you've liked? Is there anything that I could have done better?]