ham, egg, cheese, potato burrito
I want juice too!
It was purely lemon juice. XD So like, soooooooooooo sour. A solution to alcohol. XD
I like sour thingsAs long as it isn't pee or something.Hehe.
Is pee sour? XD *lol* Ew. XD
Me too.. And it REALLY works like alcohol. XD
I haven't tried it myself but someone told me it was![]()
Well I am weird but not THAT weird..Ew. XD Good you didn't try. XD And don't confuse pee for beer. XD
Well I am weird but not THAT weird..
And there's no need to worry,I don't drink beer![]()
XD *lol* GOOD!
I do. Sometimes.But wine's tastier.
Uh-huh *nods*
But to be honest,I don't drink much alcohol.It just happens like once in a while.Some of my classmates get drunk like every day.
I've gotten drunk by sugarIt was like getting a serious case of hyperness.I slept like 3 hours that night
Actually, I wasn't real that hyper, I was just laughing and dizzy. XD
Oh that's a better kind of hyperness.It's hard to not be able to sleep.