The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
[You may recall that in The Last Battle, Jewel speaks of King Gale delivering the Lone Islands from a dragon, and was given the Lone Islands as a permanent part of Narnia. But have you thought of the actual story? Here is another attempted fanfic about how the Lone Islands came to be a part of Narnia. I do not own any of the canon characters or right to the songs; I only own my OC's. Hope you enjoy learning about the Lone Islands.]


Beyond the Eastern Horizon, as the sun was rising, stars began to sing a song-

Far over the Lone Islands rise
Leave us standing upon the height
What was before we see once more
Is our kingdom a distant light

Fiery mountain beneath a moon
The words unspoken, we'll be there soon
For home a song that echoes on
And all who find us will know the tune

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the back of us yet
We'll fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the Lone Islands borne
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Until we get our long forgotten gold

We lay under the Misty cold
In slumbers deep, and dreams of gold
We must awake, our lives to make
And in the darkness a torch we hold
From long ago when lanterns burned
Until this day our hearts have yearned
A fate unknown, the Narnia stone
What was stolen must be returned
We must awake at break of day
To find our song for heart and soul

Some folk we never forget
Some kind we never forgive
Haven't seen the end of it yet
We'll fight as long as we live
All eyes on the hidden door
To the Narnia borne
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Till we get our long forgotten gold


Tirian led the way, followed behind by Eustace and Poggin then Puzzle. Then Jill and Jewel were walking side by side. She had quite fallen in love with the unicorn. She thought he was the most gentle creature she ever met. He was so soft at speech that you hardly notice how fierce he could be in battle.

"How nice is this", said Jill, "I mean, just to be walking along like this. It's a shame that there is so much happening in Narnia."

"Well, you're quite mistaken", said Jewel, "You sons of Adam and daughters of Eve have always showed up from your strange land, only times when Narnia was stirred up and upset. But you must know it wasn't always like that. In between your visits, there were times of peace and valiant kings and beautiful queens. Oh, who can remember the names or count their numbers?"

"Oh, please, tell us about them."

"I remember that when I was a dragon", said Eustace, "Reepicheep the Mouse told me of how a dragon was terrorizing the Lone Islands. Perhaps, Jewel, you know that story?"

"Oh, King Gale and the dragon", said Jewel, "Why, yes. I know that story."

Then Jewel began the tale of King Gale and the Dragon, and it was all shown in a flashback.

The Lone Islands was a three Island nation on the Eastern Ocean. The names of the Islands were Felimath, Avra, and Doorn. Doorn was the most inhabited by humans of Narnia. The name of the city in Doorn was Narrowhaven. It was a vast city, with people going in and out. One day, there was a fierce wind coming from the North west. It was heading East, to the Islands. Jewel related to the tale as he sung in V.O-

Jewel (VO):
Far over the Lone Islands rise
Leave us standing upon the height
What was before we see once more
Is our kingdom a distant light

For great kings and beautiful queens
There was a gleam in the forest greens
On silver and gold necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung

The trees were roaring on the heights
The wind was moaning in the dark of night
The fire was red, its flame spread
The trees were like torches, blazed with light

The bells were ringing in the Lone Islands dale
Men and women looked up with faces pale
The dragon's ire was more fierce than fire
Laid low their towers and houses frail

Far over the Lone Islands rise
Leave us standing upon the height
What was before we see once more
Is our kingdom a distant light

During the song, there was a flashback shown of what was happening. A dragon has come to the Lone Islands. It started to breath fire on the town of Narrowhaven at once.

"A dragon!", cried a man.

"Sound the alarm!", cried a boy.

Then the bell in the Town of Narrowhaven was sounded and some of them blew long horns to call for more soldiers. Many brave men tried to fight the dragon but to no avail. Towers and houses burned. There was even panic in the town.

10 years earlier

For a time, Narnia was at peace. The kingdom was established by the lion Aslan Himself, who appointed a cabby named Frank and his wife Helen as the first king and queen of Narnia. They've had many children and great-grand children who followed as kings and queens. One of the later kings, Frank V, had two sons. One, named Col, became the first King of Archenland, establishing the Kingdom of Archenland. Sometime later, there were outlaws in Archenland who crossed the great desert, and settled in a new country called Calormen. At Cair Paravel, a castle in Narnia, there lived a king, Olin. He was 8th in descent from Frank I and Helen. His wife was a beautiful queen named Nadina, and they had a son named Gale. He was to be the next king after his father. Each day, Olin gave Gale all sorts of advise on kingship once he has taken over. Olin was holding a council meeting with Prince Gale, Zoggin the dwarf, Cloudwit the Centaur and other courtiers. They were discussing on the matter of a powerful sorceress, Jadis, who was growing stronger in dark magic in the North.

"As long as the Tree of Protection stands", said King Olin, "She will not come down to Narnia."

"But how long will that last, Father?", asked Gale, "I mean the Tree of Protection could perish any moment."

"When you are king, my son, it will be your duty to help flourish the Tree of Protection to keep Jadis out of Narnia."

There was so much to be done. Help flourish the Tree of Protection and how to deal with diplomatic relations with other countries. Gale had so much to learn about being king of Narnia.

Olin and Gale were taking a diplomatic trip to Tashbaan, Calormen. It was to teach him to make peace with Calormen and how to deal with their relationship. Soon, they arrived in Tashbaan, and were welcomed by the grand vizier. They were staying at a guest house, close by the Tisroc's palace. The next day, they visited the Tisroc's courts.

"So, what brings you here?", asked the Tisroc.

"I am teaching my son on dealing with our relationship with Calormen", said King Olin, "He is to be the next king."

"Ah, yes, of course. And you, young prince, how will you deal with Calormen?"

"Tashbaan is a beautiful city", said Prince Gale, "From what I understand, it is a lot to be a king."

"You have a lot of responsibility as a prince and one day as a king, my son", said King Olin.

"Yes, father", then Gale turned to the Tisroc, "So how many visitors have there been from Narnia?"

"Oh, quite a few", said the Tisroc, "You barbarians are cursed, but you strike to me as quite a young man."

Gale knew he would have to take responsibility as a king one day. He would also have to deal with diplomatic relations with Calormen. And it would be a lot. While in Tashbaan, Olin and Gale drank some masala spice chai. It was delicious and spicy, though not anything like Narnian tea. They even attended dinner parties that the Tisroc was throwing as honored guests. Many tarkaans and tarkheenas attended, and were marveled at the fair king and prince of the North.

"How long will you be here?", asked the Tisroc.

"For a while", said King Olin, "Then we have a ship that was take us back to Narnia."

"If it is alright", said Gale, "May we explore the city while we're here?"

"Oh, yes, of course, your highness", said the Tisroc, "In fact, you're welcome to visit Calormen anytime."

"Why, thank you."

Gale looked on the city. During Olin and Gale's stay in Calormen, Gale was able to learn more about the country and its culture. However, his heart cut like a dagger when he discovered that Calormen lived in a culture of slavery and arranged marriages. What else? Human sacrifices were offered to a god called Tash. Now he was able to learn about how to deal with Calormen and its culture. Once he became king, it was important that Narnia and Calormen be at peace with one another. After being in Calormen for a while, Olin and Gale made it back to Narnia.

"Song of the Lonely Mountain" from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey @Howard Shore and Neil Finn, all rights reserved and "Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold" from The Hobbit @JRR Tolkien, all rights reserved.]
[The first chapter. Hope you enjoy]

Chapter One

King Olin and Prince Gale had come home from Tashbaan, Calormen. Queen Nadina greeted her husband and son upon their arrival. Whey they arrived, King Olin showed Prince Gale around the kingdom of Narnia.

"Soon, this will all be yours, my son", said King Olin.

"Narnia is so vast", said Gale.

"Yes. See the woods to the west and the great Eastern Ocean? My father have taught me the same I am teaching you. You are to serve Aslan, the Lion, and rule the land with justice and peace. You are to govern and treat the Talking Beasts as our own kind."

"Aslan gave them the ability of speech."

"Very good remembering. It is also your duty to help keep the Tree of Protection alive to keep Jadis out. At one point, the tree will die and she will come down to Narnia."

"But what good will come out of Jadis, who is pure evil?"

"There's no knowing how long she'll be there. But she is growing stronger in dark magic. Rule your subjects well, my son."

King Olin continued to teach Gale of all that was in Narnia. Queen Nadina taught him as well. She even advise him to find a good wife who will be a loving queen and have the same devotion to Aslan.

"I'm sure you will find a suitable woman to court when the time comes", said Queen Nadina.

"I'm sure I will, Mother", said Gale, "Perhaps the right one will come along. Is it possible for me to choose a wife?"

"That might be out of the question", said King Olin.

"What if I love someone?"

One day, Gale decided to explore the woods. It was not on a hunting trip he was on. He just wanted to check things out in the woods. He asked his parents for permission.

"I suppose it's alright, son", said King Olin.

"As long as Cloudwit and Zoggin go with you", said Queen Nadina.

Gale was not all too happy with it. He had to be accompanied by the king's major domos Cloudwit and Zoggin. They went to the woods, and Gale looked around.

"This lad will be our king one day", said Cloudwit.

"And he will take advice from us as well, like we've been giving advice to his father", said Zoggin.

"Does a king really need to rule with advice?", asked Gale.

"He cannot act on his own", said Zoggin.

They explored the woods more. As Gale looked on, he was anticipating the day when Narnia will be his as king.

I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
Well I've never seen a king with quite so little hair

I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before
I'm brushing up on looking down, I will be sitting on my throne

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
Thus far a rather uninspiring thing

Oh, I just cant wait to be king

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
You've rather a long way to go young master, if you think

No one saying do this

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
Now when I said that

No one saying be there
No one saying stop that
No one saying see here

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
Now see here

Free to run around all day
Well, that's definitely out
Free to do it all my way

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
I think its time that you and I arranged a heart to heart

Kings don't need advice from dwarf and centaur for a start

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
If this is where the monarchy is headed count us out
Out of service, out of Narnia
We wouldn't hang about
This child is getting wildly out of wing

Oh, I just can't wait to be king
Everybody look left
Everybody look right
Everywhere you look I'm
Standing in the spotlight

Zoggin and Cloudwit:
Not yet

Let every creature goes for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Gale's finest fling

Gale and Narnians:
Oh, I just cant wait to be king
Oh, I just cant wait to be king
Oh, I just cant wait to be king

["I Just Can't Wait To Be King" from The Lion King @Elton John and Tim Rice, all rights reserved.]
[Hopefully you enjoy the second chapter.]

Chapter Two

Gale was looking out the window in his castle bedroom. Some years have passed he had grown into quite a young man. And how long would it be until he was king of Narnia.

"Do not forget all that I have taught you, my son", said King Olin.

"Yes, father", said Gale.

Gale had a look on his face. He would be able to do it? He realized that being king would be a huge responsibility. He would also need to protect his people from invading enemies, possibly from the North.

"There is Someone who will be able to help", said King Olin, "Aslan."

"The Great Lion", said Gale.

Gale looked on, and he called out, "Aslan! I am not sure if I will be able to take this kingship when my father is gone. But I will need your guidance and wisdom for it."

Gale realized he wouldn't be able to run the kingdom on his own. Then it occurred to him that Zoggin the Dwarf and Cloudwit the Centaur would be able to help him. He trained in sword fighting under Cloudwit, as well on how to use a bow.

"I must say", said Zoggin to Cloudwit, "His highness has trained well."

"He sure has", said Cloudwit.

Meanwhile, King Olin had called in Cloudwit and Zoggin for another council meeting. They gathered together at in the chambers, and discussed the matter of things.

"Sire", said Cloudwit, "You may well know that a sorceress, Jadis, is growing stronger in dark magic in the North."

"Oh yes, and she will only get stronger as time comes", said King Olin, "Aslan has told my eight times great grandfather, King Frank I, that Jadis will one day return. However, the Tree of Protection that a boy planted is still standing. As long as it's standing, Jadis will not be heading towards Narnia anytime soon."

"But how long will that last?", asked a faun.

"I do not know. We are under the protection of Aslan as of now."

"We have you now", said Zoggin, "And of course, when Gale takes up the kingship.."

"He will need all the help from Aslan and he will need yours as well."

"We will do what we can", said Cloudwit.

The council was dismissed. Gale realized that Jadis will only grow stronger in Dark Magic in the North. And there was no knowing how long the Tree of Protection will be standing. He would continued to ask Aslan for advice on being king, and how protect Narnia from possible invasion from an evil sorceress.
[A third chapter. You might say this one is kind of Christmasy)

Chapter Three

Some years have passed in Narnia, and it was the winter season. It was almost time for Christmas, which meant that there was to be a gala at the castle. King Olin was getting ready to make a guest list.

"You know we have guests from all over, your majesty", said Zoggin, "Who do you plan to invite?"

"Well, the King of Archenland and his family, the King of Terenbithia, the Duke of Galma, the King of the Seven Isles, the Tisroc of Calormen. There's also the Governor of the Lone Islands.

"Quite a list there", said Cloudwit the Centaur, "And what about food?"

"Ah yes. I'm sure that the palace cooks will take care of that. We're thinking plum pudding, plump goose, suckling pig, candied fruits, spiced cakes."


Meanwhile, Gale was helping with decorating the tree that was in the great hall. During that time, they received a visit from Sir Gavelz from the Seven Isles, and he brought his daughter with him. There was a man who was in charge of decorating the castle for Christmas. During that time, Sir Galvez's daughter was helping out with the Christmas decorations.

"Thank you for all your help your highness", said the man in charge of the Christmas decorations.

"Why thank you Sir", said Gale, "And you, you must be visiting from the Seven Isles"

"Why yes, I am", said the young woman, who was strikingly beautiful, "My father and I are visiting. Are you the crown prince of Narnia?"

"Yes. His royal Highness Prince Gale. And you are?"


And Gale took Carlotta's hands and kissed it, which made her blush. During their time of decorating the Christmas tree in the great hall, they had so much to talk and they got to know one another.

"I want to see how my son, the prince and future king is doing", said King Olin, "Oh, who is your friend?"

"Father, you know Sir Gavelz from the Seven Isles?", asked Gale.

"Yes, of course. He and his family are attending the Christmas Gala."

"This is his daughter, Carlotta. This is my father, Olin, King of Narnia."

"A pleasure to meet you, your majesty", Carlotta curtsied.

"And to you as well", said King Olin, "I take that Gale has told you all about Narnia."

"Oh, he told me so much. I've learned a lot when I was a little girl in the Seven Isles. But now I have seen it myself."

"Well, you and your family are welcome to visit any time."

"And with your permission, father", said Gale, "May I visit the Seven Isles?"

"Well, I don't think you'll need any permission when you are king, my son."

"Olin, darling, where are you?", said Queen Nadina, coming in, and saw that the tree was being decorated, "Oh, thank you so much for decorating the tree."

"Well, I had a couple of help", said the castle decorator.

"Mother, may I introduce you to Carlotta from the Seven Isles?", asked Gale, "Carlotta, this is my mother, Queen Nadina."

"Oh, well, sounds like Gale has made a new friend", said Queen Nadina.

"Thank you, your majesty", said Carlotta, "Perhaps you know my father, Sir Gavelz."

"And he's attending the Gala, isn't he? I guess I never realized that his daughter would be helping to decorate the tree."

"Well, your majesties, how does it look?", asked the castle decorator.

"The most beautiful tree we've had", said King Olin.

It was time for the gala. King Olin and Queen Nadina were dressed in beautiful red and green clothing with gold and silver trim. Gale was dressed in a red and green trouser, tunic, coat, and cap. There was a lot of people who had come as well as Talking Beasts and Creatures. There was an abundance of food at the table. As people were arriving, they sang a song-

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la la la la!
'Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol,
Fa la la la la la la la!

See the blazing yule before us,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Strike the harp and join the chorus,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Follow me in merry measure,
Fa la la la la la la la!
While I tell of Yuletide treasure,
Fa la la la la la la la!

Fast away the old year passes,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses,
Fa la la la la la la la!
Sing we joyous all together!
Fa la la la la la la la!
Heedless of the wind and weather,
Fa la la la la la la la!

As soon as guest arrived, King Olin decided to address the them, and he made a speech.

"I like to thank you all for coming to our annual Christmas gala", said King Olin, "Christmas is a special time of year, and Queen Nadina and I are grateful that we can do this again. I've been told that our son, Prince Gale, helped out with decorating the tree in the Great Hall. I appreciate his time and dedication, even as a prince. Now, let us thank Aslan for letting us to gather here. Please, enjoy the gala."

The guests mingled around at the ball. There was music and dancing and laughter. There was also abundance of food of suckling pig, plump roast goose, plum pudding, spiced chai, hot cocoa, candied fruit, spice cakes. The gala lasted for hours. During that time, King Olin handed out each guest a gift. Then he gave one to Gale. He opened it.

"It's a pendant", said Gale.

"It's not just any pendant", said King Olin, "It's the royal family crest. It was mine and my father and my grandfather. Now I pass it on to you."

"Thank you, Father."

Soon, they looked out and it was snowing again. Gale remembered the day when he was a little boy, he would be playing out in the snow. Other kids came to play with him as well. Oh, what good old days they were. At the gala, he saw Carlotta in a beautiful red and green dress with silver lining. There was more dancing going on.

"Carlotta, may I have this dance?", asked Gale, bowing.

"Yes, you may, your highness", said Carlotta.

"Please, call me Gale."

Gale and Carlotta danced on the dance floor. It was a lovely dance. Sir Gavelz looked at them from a table, while he and his wife were getting some food.

"Our daughter dancing with the Prince of Narnia", said Gavelz.

"Sir Gavelz", said King Olin, "She and Gale actually helped decorate the tree."

"Is that so?", asked Dame Dorinda.

After the gala, Gale and Carlotta took a stroll in the great hall and talked some more. He asked her how long will she be staying. She explained that she and her family will be heading back to the Seven Isles soon. He told her that he had fun spending time with her.

["Deck The Halls" @Thomas Oliphant, all rights reserved]
Chapter Four

Some years have passed. King Olin was now very old and frail. He was being taken good care of by the castle nurses and doctors. Soon, it would mean that Gale was to be crowned the next king. And it could be any day now. Meanwhile, Gale was out in the castle garden, where he often liked to take a stroll. Then he saw that Carlotta had come for a visit from the Seven Isles. He decided to take her on a stroll.

"So how long will it be until you are king?", asked Carlotta.

"It's hard to say", said Gale, "But my father is very old. He may be at the end real soon."
"So what will you do when you are king?"

"My father has told me about how Narnia will one day be mine. I must serve my country under the guidance of Aslan."

"I think you will make a great king one day."

"Perhaps, I will."

"Your highness", said Zoggin, "Your father wishes to speak with you. He is at his last hour."

"Is he alright?", asked Gale.

"You must come with me."

"I must go see my father, Carlotta", said Gale, "I think he is at his last hour."

"I'm sorry", said Carlotta, and she gave him a hug.

Zoggin and Gale went Olin's bed chambers. Olin was losing color, and he looked weak. His breathing was shallow as well. Nadina was standing close by his bed.

"Your father is at the end", said Nadina.

"My son, come closer", said Olin in a weak voice.

Gale came foreward, and stood by Olin's bed side. He was on the bridge of tears, but knew that this was it.

"Yes, father", said Gale.

"My son, the time has come", said Olin, "You must never forget all that I've taught you. Now Narnia's fate lies in your hands. You must rule it with justice, love, and dignity, under the guidance of Aslan."


"Now Narnia will look to you! Aslan bless you, my son!"

Soon after, Olin's head fall to his bed. He had lost his coloring. They felt for his pulse, but there wasn't any. This meant that King Olin has died. Queen Nadina put her arms around Gale as they mourned his death. Later that day, Zoggin went to address the courtiers and made the announcement.

"Our beloved king, Olin has died", said Zoggin, "Any day now, the coronation of our new king, Gale, will take place. He will be good to us, like his father was."

The courtiers mourned the death of King Olin. They buried him, and held a funeral for him at the castle. Many have gathered around from all over. It was attended by man and beasts both.

"Olin was a wonderful king, good to all of his people and creatures in Narnia", said Cloudwit, "His death is such a great loss. He will be well remembered and loved, and we commend his soul to Aslan in His Country."

"I'm so sorry Gale", said Carlotta, holding back tears, giving Gale a hug.

"Thank you, Carlotta", said Gale, hugging her back, "I'm so glad you came here. I know how close he was to your father."

"Your father was a great king", said Sir Gavelz, "Now Narnia will look to you."

"I know my son will be a great king, as his father was", said Queen Nadina.

Gale decided to take a stroll. Soon, he would be king, and his coronation would take place.
The news of King Olin's death reached the Lone Islands as well. There, they took a moment of silence and said a prayer to Aslan for Gale and the future of Narnia.
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You have an understated social speculation here. Arbitrarily arranged marriages were simply the norm for most civilizations throughout the history of our Earth. The very little Mister Lewis depicts about marriage seems to indicate that NARNIAN marriages were always by mutual consent of the spouses, but of course islander marriages could be different. Maybe some INTER-island matches would have been arranged, so that each island could maintain a healthy gene pool. Do you think that your characters here might still possess the knowledge of Earth customs which Frank and Helen brought with them?
You have an understated social speculation here. Arbitrarily arranged marriages were simply the norm for most civilizations throughout the history of our Earth. The very little Mister Lewis depicts about marriage seems to indicate that NARNIAN marriages were always by mutual consent of the spouses, but of course islander marriages could be different. Maybe some INTER-island matches would have been arranged, so that each island could maintain a healthy gene pool. Do you think that your characters here might still possess the knowledge of Earth customs which Frank and Helen brought with them?
I don't think I've thought of that. Then who knows?