The Lord of the Rings- J.R.R. Tolkien

Lord of the Rings fanart teaser

A friend from my daughter's praise team did a drawing-a-day art challenge in March, and this is what he drew for 3/25! Isn't it fabulous!?!

Note: Lord of the Rings is one of his favorite stories, and this piece is a composite of many characters, rather than one specific moment in the trilogy.

What do you see going on in this picture? I will share the artist's comments on his art after a bit of discussion -- so you can compare your vision and interpretation with his.

Wow. I guess he's giving Caradhras a face to match the, er, personality it exhibits in the book? I see the Company of the Ring, the door to Moria, and...I assume the guy on the lower right is a Dwarf who previously lived in the area?
This is my artist friend from Indonesia wrote about this drawing which was from his March drawing-journal:

I have to include one of my favorite story of all time, Lord of the Rings. This is not adhere to any given timeline nor any known location within Middle Earth. Legolas scouting ahead with his elf eyes, seeing beyond the land. Gandalf the Grey, leading the pack. Frodo, carrying the heavy ring, with Samwise staying close behind ready to offer a helping hand. They are depicted with harder hike to show their most difficult journey, not realizing they are being watched by Gollum hiding next to Shelob's lair. Merry with Rider of Rohan banner, Pippin and Treebeard. Gimli walking over Door to Underground Moria. Aragon the Strider, with Rivendell in the background, keeping a watchful eye at Boromir, the king of men, having his eyes set on the ring itself, struggling within. and..."The Eagle are coming!"
A friend from my daughter's praise team did a drawing-a-day art challenge in March, and this is what he drew for 3/25! Isn't it fabulous!?!

Note: Lord of the Rings is one of his favorite stories, and this piece is a composite of many characters, rather than one specific moment in the trilogy.

What do you see going on in this picture? I will share the artist's comments on his art after a bit of discussion -- so you can compare your vision and interpretation with his.


This is really beautiful! HE is very talented! :D
In the challenge drawing, the item which stands out the most for me is the rune-controlled cavern door which required a password to open it. Reminds me of my military cryptology days, when CONTROLLING ACCESS was always a vital concern.
Lord of the Rings fanart teaser

A friend from my daughter's praise team did a drawing-a-day art challenge in March, and this is what he drew for 3/25! Isn't it fabulous!?!

Note: Lord of the Rings is one of his favorite stories, and this piece is a composite of many characters, rather than one specific moment in the trilogy.

What do you see going on in this picture? I will share the artist's comments on his art after a bit of discussion -- so you can compare your vision and interpretation with his.

I know this is a few years old, but I hadn't seen it until a couple of days ago. It's pretty awesome looking.
I am just getting into this the same way I am getting into Harry Potter and Narnia. I was into them before, but not enough to really discuss them or want to discuss them. Now I'm trying to approach them like a scientific scholar.
I am just getting into this the same way I am getting into Harry Potter and Narnia. I was into them before, but not enough to really discuss them or want to discuss them. Now I'm trying to approach them like a scientific scholar.
You'll want to dig into The History of Middle-Earth books by Christopher Tolkien, as well as The Silmarillion, The Children of Hurin, Beren and Luthien, etc. There are a lot of Tolkien books.
Looking at the cover of FoTR as I start getting into this, the artwork appears to be of the "speak friend and enter" Elvish at the door to the Mines of Moria, so does that just look the most visually appealing out of anything or is that a significant scene that should have been given more attention?
Finished Fellowship of the Ring. Now going to go thru the first Harry Potter Book before continuing with The Two Towers. Boromir doesn't die in this book like the movie. It is saved for the next book.
I just started reading The Two Towers. Boromir is died, Merry and Pippin are prisoners of the Orcs, and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are in pursuit. Nothing about Frodo and Sam.
I am where Merry and Pippin being joined by Treebeard now. The trees ents have been roused. Still nothing about Frodo and Sam.
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Still reading The Two Towers. Yeah, Gandalf has returned! Almost as exciting as Aslan returning.
Still nothing about Frodo and Sam. Plan to read the second Harry Potter book after this.
Still reading The Two Towers. Yeah, Gandalf has returned! Almost as exciting as Aslan returning.
Still nothing about Frodo and Sam. Plan to read the second Harry Potter book after this.
You're still on "book 3" of the Lord of the Rings, I take it? (The first book of The Two Towers)