oxford girl
New member
tottyfruitty said:peter picked up the broken glasses and put it in the bin
"bad dream?" he asked
"Um kind of, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday."
tottyfruitty said:peter picked up the broken glasses and put it in the bin
"bad dream?" he asked
tottyfruitty said:"what happened" peter was stil a little bit confused about it all himself
tottyfruitty said:"maybe we should play them at there own game" peter siad mischeiviously
tottyfruitty said:"we shall attack them!" he exclaimed
tottyfruitty said:ooc: me too! but i wont be back. bye
ic: "we shallhunt them down" peter explained "i will tell you all about it when the others have awoken"
Aslan decided to join in the food fight. He poured apple juice on Edmund.*~Aslansfriend~* said:"Aslan...you wouldn't really let her dump syru[ all over my head...wo-woould you?" stammered Edmund backing up to hide behind him once more.