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"oh no" some water went into his mouth. he spat it out" thank you i am fine" he swam faster letting the tide carry him to shore
tottyfruitty said:peter finally got to the shore and got out of the water, wlaking slowly while the water was moving away from the shor"hello mara". he picked up his towel"the water feels great"
tottyfruitty said:peeter wiped his hair with his towel"why dont you go for a swim?"
tottyfruitty said:peter smilled and started to walk towards cair paravel"i am freezing" he sasid as he walked"if you still up for it i can teach you how to ride now"
tottyfruitty said:"okay. just let me change" he souted back at her as he ran towards cair paravel
tottyfruitty said:he arn inside and changed into his gear, then he grabbed tow paples and went outside again.
tottyfruitty said:for the horse lol
they got to the stables and peter mounted on his unicron. he put his hands out to help mara up"it ouwld be best ifwe rode together so that if the horse goies out of contorl i can steer it"
tottyfruitty said:ooc: me too okay bye
ic: " no you sit in front mara" peter said laughing"or else how will you learn"