the Narnia rpg

Mara staired after them, she had no idea what was going on. Mara walked out of the stables, she staired at the forest. Mara started to walk towds the forest when someone grabbed her arm and shoved a gag in her mouth. "You are coming with us," an evil voice said in her ear, "they wont even notiec you're gone untill it's to late." Mara tried to get away, something wacked her head, Mara feel to the ground unconsius. The man put Mara over his hourse and started to ride off, they were a few feet away from the stable when Mara's necklace fell off. The man didn't notice, he disapered into the forest with Mara.
Mara didn't answer, she was unconsius. The man vered off in the opiset direction, taking in the opiset direction from the one Aslan was being taken
Edmunds eyes widened when he seen another man riding the opppiset direction they were taking Aslan. "What are we going to do!?" Casey cried in utter panic.
"I...Don't know..." Edmund continued after the man who had Aslan, not knowing what else to do.
Edmund rode up alongside the men, he saw Aslan in the net. "Let him go!" he commanded but the man only sneered. "And what are you going to do about it little King?" But right at this moment Casey lept off the Ed's horse and onto the mans, kicking him right off. "AFTER HER!!" cried the man.
"Casey what are you doing!?" Edmund exclaimed in panic, But looking behind he realized that didn't have time for arguements. "Come on.." he growled under his breath but turned his horse quickly, making sure Casey did the same, they headed off towards the forest to go after the man who held Mara captive.
Edmund looked behind, his eyes lit up with fear at the site of the men not far behind them. "Casey maybe we should get somewhere safe first!"
"But we have to help Mara!" she protested, not so willing to give up.
Edmund sighed, she had always been that way ever since he could remember. He took out his sword in an attempt of cutting the net that bound Aslan.
The words seemed to give him the motiveation it took to cut the rope of the net with his sword, for he remembered countless times the lion had saved him from variouse fates, now was his chance to show his gratitude. "Your almost free Aslan just don't worry..." he said, trying to calm him dowm, after what seemed like hours but was really only a few minutes he had cut it to the point where Aslan could break free. Both of the children found it hard to loose track of the villians but with a couple chapr turns they had almost managed.
The man stopped and took Mara off the hourse, he tried her to a tree. Mara woke up, she had no idea where she was. "ah, you're awake, I still can't figure out what the Calormens want you for, but it must be pretty important, considering how much they were willing to pay for you." Mara looked at him in horror, she was being sold.
"from what I was told," the man said to Mara, "one of the Calormen prince's wants to marry you, I have no idea why. But he was willing to pay for you." Mara staired at him, she wished the gag wan't in her mouth. "Did you want to say something," the man took the gag out of her mouth. "I'll never marry a Calormen," Mara said angrely. "oh yes you will, if you dont I dont get payed." "then I guess you wont be payed," Mara said. He slapped her, "if you dont do as you're told I'll kill you here and tell the prince that you tried to get away and I had no choice." He laughed, "I would much rather kill you then hand you over to the Calormens." Mara staired at him, she couldn't beleve what was happening.
"get up, it's time to go," the man tryed to pull Mara to her feet. "no," Mara yelled. The man pulled ouot his dagger and stabbed Mara in her arm. Mara screamed. "next time it will be you neck that is cut." Mara staired at him with hate in her eyes. She could see the blood flowing from her arm, she was getting weak.