the Narnia rpg

peter and the tohers had been following mara and were now by the teant
peter did not know what to do now. he got off his horse and started to walk towards the etnt woth his sword out infront of him
The man pulled out his sword and pointed it at Mara. "I dont want to kill you, I'd much rather marry you." Mara staired at him, he must be insane
"What do these men wnat with her anyways?" Edmund asked, peeking inside only slightly, though before he new it Peter lept within the tent. "Thats are cue!" he grabbed Caseys arm and they landed beside Peter with their weapons readied.
"dont" peter shouted
drat he had not thought of this happening
"what do you want with her?"£ he asked still with his sword but moving closely slowly
"what do you think I want her dead," the man staired at Peter, " but I guess you want to know why, it's vary simple, her father killed my father, so I am killing her, I already killed her father, mother, and brother." Mara staired at Peter, she was scared
"That doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on Mara!" Casey snapped, standing on the other side of Peter, she glared at the man. "How would you like it if your Father killed someone and then they came back to kill your Father as well as you and the rest of your family!?"