the Narnia rpg

Mara wanted to talk to Peter, she needed to make sure he was alright. Mara sat for a little bit then walked to Peter's room, she nocked on his door
tottyfruitty said:
"what?!" peter exclimed
"please dont blame yourself mara it wil only make me feel worse" he said looking at her

ooc: i have to go bye!

ooc. bye, talk to you tomarow.

ic. "fine, but then you cant blame your self," Mara looked back at him, she thought there was something he wasn't telling her. "it really wasn't your falt, if you hadn't come up with that idea I might be dead." Mara kept looking at him, she suddenly had an urge to kiss him, Mara was shocked that she had the urge to kiss him.
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"well its getting late so i should proabably sleep" peter rplied yawning a little"i enjoyed our little chat" he added"and really i am fine" he could tel that she thought otherwise
Peter stood there for a second, he had not been expecting a kiss on the cheek, his face went a bit red and he thanked his lucky stars that Ed had not been there to see it, he smiled to himself and then closed the door
ooc: i do! cos she wanted to lol
ic: peter ayed down also and fell asleep almost immediately but he didnt sleep very well that night......................