The NeverEnding Story


New member
has anyone ever seen this?? i rented it at the libiary this past week but i didn't understand it it was kind of strange :) i know it's about a boy that finds a book and saves a magical world :) what does everyone think about this movie???
The movie as good, though I would request that you read the book. The movie covered only the first half of the book and did as good of a job with it as they could. The second half of the book deals with Bastian in Fantasia (or Fantastica as it is in the book), but the second movie has nothing to do with this.

Interestingly, Atreyu was supposed to have green skin, but the make up they wanted to use in the movie looked terrible, so they decided against using it.

They are planning a remake of the book, but things are so much in the air, I don't know when or if they are going to pull it off.

I've only seen the first 'Neverending Story' film, and I really enjoyed it. I am going to have to read the book, and watch the other two movies. They are on my 'to do' list.
i didn't know it was based on a book either

i didn't know the neverending story was based on a book i'll have to check that out at the libiary too it may be no longer be in print though, has anyone seen the 2nd & the 3rd one???
I watched the secondand thrid movies after reacing the book. I cant even call them adaptations they were so far from the book .The second was closest while the third was ridiculous.

I would say watch the second movie. It's an OK movie. I give it about 2 stars our of 4. The thrid movie is more is worse then that and I give it 1.5 stars out of 4.

By the way, I find the description of the creation of Fantasia to be one of the best in literature, better than Magicians Nephew even. Perilin is so amazing!

The description of what a neverending story is also is different. While they also have the reader of a book who is reading a book where a reader is reading a book is one. In the book, there is also the definition where the ending of the story is the beginning and this comes at a climactic time in the book.

i borrowed the 2rd one from the libiary this past week :)

i borrowed the 3rd installment of the neverending story from the libiary this week i didn't really care for it, i thought the first instalment was intresting :)
I own the dvd box and also the 1984 movie. I believe it was 1984 or was it even 1982? Gheez I get old! I do recall I read the book as a kid and was fascinated by it. I must refresh my memories though since it has been really a long time ago when I read it
that's cool that you own the DVD box set

that's cool that you own the DVD box set :) i saw that the neverendingstory 3 was at a department store today :)
Gonna resurrect this thread so I'm not creating a duplicate thread.

I'm a fan of The NeverEnding Story. Not so much the second movie, and definitely not the third one. I've not seen the "Tales from the Neverending Story" series that was produced by HBO back around 2001. Nor have I seen the earlier animated Neverending Story that was also an HBO production.

But I LOVE LOVE LOVE the theme song of the movie. If they ever were to remake the movie, I would hope they use the original theme song, if not a great remake of that song.

I tried reading the book, and got pretty far into it. The problem was I was reading it after having just finished reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Moving from beautiful writing to this book was very difficult. I know the Neverending Story was originally in German, and someone I know said that the German language version of the book is beautiful. I really wish that the english translation was as gripping as The Lord of the Rings.

Also, the book was how I learned the name that Bastian gives the Childlike Empress. I feel like the thunderclap in the movie was done to kind of cover up what he was shouting.
Yeah, that's what I kind of expected of the animated series. I was also sad to hear that the live action TV show also may have missed the mark.

I think it would be great to see someone try to make it again.
It's called Tales from the Neverending Story.

I am not sure if it is good or not. I haven't really heard anything about it. But I am interested in checking it out.