Keyblade Master
can't think of anything to say??
Quite, quiet...yes, I get them mixed up sometimes. *glare* And when I'm in a hurry, I don't take time to correct it.
resents being called a slacker because of the fact that I respect the Can to much to touch Him.
She called you one too. Olorin
And that means?
At any rate *sees Can. Is blinded by the shine*
Quite what?
*wince* We noticed.
Oh, and it's suitable.
resents being called a slacker because of the fact that I respect the Can to much to touch Him.
You're just making excuses.
She called you one too. Olorin
And that means?
At any rate *sees Can. Is blinded by the shine*
True... but I don't have delicate feelings like you. (J/K)
*gasp* Heresy! Traitor! Kill him!
Did you lose your chewing gum? You have to lose your collection of chewing gum!
blinded by the shin of can
*Ahem* Did you read Olórin's post???
loses chewing Gum collection.
So what does that mean, do we need to fight the catapult ammo.
*sigh* Have you read the Duffer Required Reading?
Yes, I have, but, I have a bad tendancy to miss some things when I read. It goes along with the dyslexia territory.
Okay, at one point, after BC and HB had been blinded by the Can's shinyness, they were trying to find catapult ammo but found something else instead. So I jsut reversed it.
Okie Tay.
Just because your JELOUS that I can hug the Can and YOU can't!
*cough* *puts on Spelling Police uniform* Jealous.