The Order of the Can (Do not delete!)

HB, you are the quinessential duff. You define dufferdom. We would not know true dufferhood but for you. You are constantly advancing the frontiers of duffering. I stand in awe of the utter - dufferness - of you.

I could say more, but I think I'll do everyone a favor and stop now.
Oh how I miss the days of duffering (if I ever was really one). Alas Duffering consumes more time than I often possess. We'll have to work on that. Don't worry. I'm working on geting my priorities straight so I should be back soon. :D
Great. Now HB's getting concited. :rolleyes:

PotW; if you want, you may be a member of the Brotherhood. PM me if you're interested. :D

Unleavened...if you like, I'll put you in the Can Clan for the time being! PM me if that's all right...and PM me again when you think you're ready to move up.

unleavened said:
Oh how I miss the days of duffering (if I ever was really one). Alas Duffering consumes more time than I often possess. We'll have to work on that. Don't worry. I'm working on geting my priorities straight so I should be back soon. :D

Good. 'Cause duffering takes t-a-l-e-n-t and t-i-m-e... he, he, i-t-'-s f-u-n t-o s-p-e-l-l s-t-u-f-f l-i-k-e t-h-i-s!!! :)
Hehe! Want to join the Can Clan? :p You're well on your way. *muhahahahah. NO ONE escapes the Duffers!!!* *hehehe*
Dern....Can I can it??
Cuz with a can do attitude it's amazing what people can do! :D
sigh. I have such off-the-wall-un-dufferness humor. I doubt I'll EVER be recognized as a Can or Duffer......
Lol...I'll have to take a look at your posts and see. :p

Have you read the "Required Reading"?
No there is too much to read, you posted like 10 diffrent things. Can you please specify this "Required Reading"?
Eh...sorry to double post...

You are now a member of the Can Clan! If I continue to see an increase in shiny Trash Cans, Giant Bannanas, Insane Asylums (and the attacking wall, doors, windows, red and blue pills thereof...) in your posts (as well as horrendusly bad puns, ect.) I will soon promote you to the Brotherhood.

*Bows low to the Trash Can* *Yes, O my master, you have another follower* *Soon, the Land of Duffers shall be yours again! Never shall they escape!* *muhahahaha*

Dernhelm, it won't let me PM you b/c you have to many already. :( But the answer is yes. I got pretty good at duffering in the corrupt a wish thread, but I'll have to work to get back in shape. Sorry to say I've been slacking. ;)