The Order of the Can II

Yeah, what he did was this!


Walls do NOT talk. Doorknobs do. Walls can only grow and breath and be. NOT talk.

There's an E on the end of breathe. :p

You.... *counts to ten*


WHB, could you give me the email of somebody you see frequently? *evil grin*

(Now do you remember, Olorin? :p)

Oh yes, I do now. :D At least she used warm water. And it was in the summer. What exactly was that to get back at me for?
I really do not mind being called a lad. I may be a lass but I am not one of the ones who forces gender neutral words to be put in the Bibles instead of "he."
(Good for you, Lava!)

I think the girl tendency appeared after the new LWW movie came out. All know. :o I have to say, lads tend to have more sense about that sort of thing.

And what's so funny about it?
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