Olórin the Wise
New member
Hey Derny, did you try the new color? It's #d5f4ce.
I don't think i've found that colour Ms. Freckles had....
Is it this?
DON'T GIVE AWAY THE SECRETS!! She's supposed to find out for herself.
Hey Derny, did you try the new color? It's #d5f4ce.
i really thought there was some green writing in the middle of this...
Haha - i did too...
Oh well, both fooled
Yeah, I would have thought it too.
Hey Derny, did you try the new color? It's #d5f4ce.
Haha...gotcha. All.
There's this fad with empty spaces with NO green writing in them....
[color= #d5f4ce]Now you can laugh at all the people who didn't find this... hehehehe[/color]
Made you look.
You took my line away