The Order of the Can II

*turns an unattractive purple*

Wait. Are you going to accuse everyone who's ever eaten a large turnip of being a Duffer? :eek: :rolleyes:
Actually, I think turning purple is a little-known delayed side effect of mod-ship. You of those things that's muttered really fast under the speaker's breath in ads..."Side effects may include nausea, headache, reduced bone density, death, lack of oxygen, pudding-legs, purple-ship...":D
No no, it's more like: sideeffectsmayincludenauseaheadachereducedbonedensitydeathlackofoxygenpuddinglegsandpurplship. Ifyoufeelyourselfgettingdizzyorunintelligentthismaybeasignofararebutserioussideeffect,wewontmentionthename...
And your point is? You know people ignore the list of side effects on the commercials too, that does not make them less real.
I'm not ignoring the side effects. I'm ignoring the silly theories about the effects of Modship.
I think it doesn't work to well with some of them. IOWW seems as normal as ever, but she never gets on as much any more.