The Order of the Can III

That´s why i have Sturdinae, he´s way more reliable than the parachutes you can buy on NF, after all, Sturdinae only isn´t there about 89% of the times...

Oh, just so you won´t be waiting for someone to do it anymore *pulls MF with her off cliff*

You see? NF´s parachutes do that.

It´s not and you won´t. How could you, you need modship first if you want to destroy all the Can threads, and when we´ve found Specter´s password that´s not likely to happen:p
Yeah, except we don´t get paid...

Wait, you people don´t get paid by my parents to entertain me, right?:eek:

If so, does that mean that i can do anything to you that i like (*points at cliff*), since you have healthcare insurance anyway:D

EDIT: i don´t know what the time is where you are now (it seems to me that there are different american time zones), but here it is 20:03, so it will be another about 4 hours before i go to bed.
Whew! Someone besides me is confused. :D

*feels nostalgic* I remember having a lot of fun confusing BC.
blackcloak -- Duffer from way back, whom you've probably seen if you read some of the Duffer Reading materials. I retained her knife.

EDIT: the :eek: smiley? Why?
Oh, right. :p Sorry, Lieke; I guess I've gotten used to the lack of name recognition. *sigh*