Neither. This most mighty and noble Order of the Can, which you see before you, is known only as such - the Order of the Can. The Can of which we speak is the most glorious, most noble, most mighty and shiny Trash Can, whose deeds have been the stuff of legend in this Land of Duffers since time out of mind (although, admittedly, "time out of mind" is somewhat of an odd usage in these contexts, as minds are not well known in these parts, being the first of many things that those who enter this Land do lose.) Because of its great glory, therefore, we, the most noble Members of the Order of the Can, worship this Can, and do it homage, and if thou dost otherwise thou shalt be destroyed by fire from its mighty maw. Quickly, then, do thou kneel, and do homage to the mighty can, and beg its mercy, for thou may anger it with thhy sarcastic and flippant comments.