The Order of the Duct Tape II

we were using duct tape to put up and obstacle course for an overnighter we were having at our church a week ago. no wait. I remember now. I thought it was duct tape, but it turned out to be Gorilla tape. it's evil...
And they all belong to King George (references King George and the Ducky here sorry if you all aren't watchers of Veggie Tales). Abby, Abby, how many times have you tried to ducttape me to things only to find me out of them again two seconds later. One would think that you eventually give up. Pulls out light saber and cuts bonds.
I think I'm just going to incorporate an Automatic Duct Tape Cutter into my clothes, to save myself some trouble. In fact, I could have it computer-operated, so that it would cut the tape automatically (in case Abby knocked me out before she duct taped me to something...)
I think I'm just going to incorporate an Automatic Duct Tape Cutter into my clothes, to save myself some trouble. In fact, I could have it computer-operated, so that it would cut the tape automatically (in case Abby knocked me out before she duct taped me to something...)
*takes Automatic Duct Tape Cutter*
*Duct Tapes Olorin to a railroad track* Oh, look here comes a train.
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Since Olorin is posting without membership, you don't need to join. Right now, some of us are in armed rebellion.

Abby, What is Dut Tape? DUT, DUT, DUT