The Order of the Duct Tape (Please Do Not Delete)

Dernie would like to know how important being stickied is to us. She said that if we thought it was very important she maybe could do something about getting it back.
Tootsila? oh control freak? ;)
Sorry...I was wrapped up in a CD-ROM and that's why I didn't get online for like 2 days :o
Yeah...there WERE too many stickied Duffer threads but...but...ours(or the almost stars game for that matter even though i don't care :p) wasn't one of them!!! :eek:
Yeah Shadow Hawk has it tiny in his sig... but it's still OK I can see what it says at least. Thjough I really should go through and get rid of all the people who don't really care about that beautiful Duct Tape...then they'd be relived of being nagged about thier siggies and I'd be relieved of nagging them...
ooooooooooh I found 2 giftcards-one to Hbby Lobby and one to Walmart in an old wallet...I wonder if they have anything left on them?
From what? srry can't help it I'm nosy. :p
I feel like really really really stupid but if anyone has an Ipod Nano how do I get a poscast onto mine???(It's the R$elient K one if that matters)