New member
huh? XD
TPBM likes chocolate, A LOT! XD
TPBM likes chocolate, A LOT! XD
nay, not at all!!
TPBM likes spray cheese?
Eh, not really... I can eat it sometimes but it grosses me out normally...
EDIT: Oh yeah! That question is totally me!
TPBM likes steak...
Aye!! Though Prime Rib is better...
TPBM likes Baby Back Ribs?
I don't know if I've ever tried them or not...
Aye!! Wow, Baby Back Ribs are amazing!!
TPBM likes lobster?
Haha, again I've never had it...
s/q? (Again... )
uhhh...a what? XD
TPBM knows what [Ctrl-V] wienerschnitzel...is? XD lol
not really
TPBM is half pirate?
No .............
TPBM likes grilled cheese sandwiches
Nay, I don't...
TPBM likes grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
Aye! They're quite good!
TPBM knows that you can sing the doxology in church to the tune of the ABCs?
Haha, really? nay, I didn't know that...
TPBM is learning how to sign the Lord's Prayer...