The Person Below Me IV


TPBM has abnormally fast-growing facial hair!!!

Well, I'm a girl, so nay, but then, I'm German, so I guess it could happen...;) :p (No offense meant to anyone!! My Oma and Opa were both born and raised and married in Germany, and I am quite proud of my German heritage...:))

TPBM has traveled across an ocean?
haha, you were the one who started why tomorrow is 50ful tomorrow in the first place! :D

Aye, I am...:) It's a strange happy, though... Because the thing that I'm extremely happy about is almost a double-edged sword... But God is good, so I'm not worrying...:)

TPBM likes skittles? ;)
haha, you were the one who started why tomorrow is 50ful tomorrow in the first place!

Aye, I am... It's a strange happy, though... Because the thing that I'm extremely happy about is almost a double-edged sword... But God is good, so I'm not worrying...

TPBM likes skittles?

Haha, I have to admit that I'm still confused... :confused: But oh well... :D

Haha, and aye, funnily enough I do... ;)

TPBM finds some of the "tender inscriptions" on graduation/birthday cards and the like extremely funny... :D
Haha, I have to admit that I'm still confused... But oh well...

Haha, and aye, funnily enough I do...

TPBM finds some of the "tender inscriptions" on graduation/birthday cards and the like extremely funny... :D

Ugh, let me update my countdown... Then maybe you'll understand...;) :D

And aye, haha, even with as sentimental as I am, I find them humorous...:D

TPBM can fingerspell their name?
Ugh, let me update my countdown... Then maybe you'll understand...

And aye, haha, even with as sentimental as I am, I find them humorous...

TPBM can fingerspell their name?

Haha, maybe I will... Although with my record of this type of thing... ;)

And aye, I can as long as I don't forget what the "H" is.... :rolleyes:

TPBM has a book signed by someone...