The Person Below Me IV

Actually, not really... I just know how to do enough to figure out my grade on a test...:D (Let's say you got a 26 out of 30 on a test... 26 divided by 30 is 86. Meaning you got 86%. Meaning you got a B... Yay! :D)

TPBM knew that already? :D

haha, nay, it all flew over my head and laughed as it went by... ;)

TPBM knows someone with an Aunt Ruth... (Besides me!)
Sometimes... I never used to, but last year I tanned fairly nicely, and I hope to this year....


Haha, nay I don't really tan that well... okay, I have tanned more then usual the last few years (more of a "Farmers Tan" from doing yard work) and I almost never get sunburned but my tan is never too dark and noticeable...

TPBM hates alarm clocks...
actually April's pretty good apart from one puny little detail... ;)

tpbm knows what "puny little detail" I'm talking about and can relate ;)