Miss Freckles
New member
i'm many things... but not a hat (yet). 8)
tpbm is my mum.
tpbm is my mum.
i'm many things... but not a hat (yet). 8)
tpbm is my mum.
Well, I'm an officially elected TDL mum, so aye, I suppose in a way I am... (Seriously, in real life, I've been given the nickname "Team Mom" for our Bible Quizzing team...)
TPBM is psyched!!!
Haha, as much as I normally am about life, which is pretty psyched...
Aye, I am!! But not just because life is great!!! (which is still a perfectly legit reason.. I'm not downgrading that! )
TPBM's hair is curly?
Aye a bit, unfortunately... But thankfully it's not as curly as it once was... Curly and blond.. Thank goodness that's changed!
I'll take the cop out and say: s/q?
haha, wow, I was curly and blond, too!!! But unlike you, I'd like to have that back...
Aye, my hair has its curly days... Then it has its frizzy days, and its wavy days, and its "I'm doing my own thing no matter what you try to do" days... Unfortunately, the last seems to happen the most often...
TPBM knows what the names of the three Blizzard mascots are?
Aye, aren't they Snow, Ice and Snowshoe?
This time I won't ask the same question even though I actually could...
TPBM has hugged Snowshoe the Blizzard bunny?
Yes!!! Wow, I love Snoeshoe!!!
hmm, nay I don't think I did... I may have clothespinned him and I know that I've been threatened by the bunny....
TPBM has Mr. Spenalzo?
Haha! I have, as well...
Do I? :angel:
"You know Doctor I've completely lost track of Mr. Spenalzo!"
TPBM dumped him in a window seat and then buried him in the cellar!
Nay... I can't take credit for him....
TPBM thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt?
Only on Thursdays... On Mondays I think I'm the toaster... JK!
TPBM likes beans....
Aye, most... Especially green beans.. I'm not fond of baked beans, but other than that, I think I could scarf down almost any bean you put to me...
Haha, nay... I can stand green beans and will eat chili if it has beans in it, but they're not really my favorite thing...
TPBM likes sauerkraut
TPBM's favorite color is blue.