The Skandarnite Thread II

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Haha, wow. Niiice

But wait, why are you first? :p Jk. So! How do we get new members? Major question of the day o_o\

Oooh. MercifulQueenofNarnia... gah... I don't remember that name at all =/
which may very well mean I never bothered to ask for membership. o_O even though I remember wanting LOL me 2 years ago.

I don't know. I guess PM a mod to make a forum announcement-thingy? siggy-promotion....PMing anyone with skandar or edmund in their name, siggy, or avvi? haha.
xD Of course, I could just have bad memory. I remembered names, not usernames :rolleyes:

Oooh... yeah.

I'm pretty sure Jersey Dagmar might wanna join. Seems to be a fairly big Ed/Skandar fan...
I say all of that. We were the most spiritful, I hate to say it that way, group on this forum and we may as well add that. But let's go for not childish. sO pLeAsE dOn'T gEt SoMeOnE whu tipes lyke dis eether. Bcuz eye will go crzy. :):D

Um, I'm first because the numbers I like best aren't on the list yet. That would be 5, 7, or 24. :) But once they get on the list I'll switch it up and put me as number 5 or something.
Yeah, good idea. Haha, we were.....
Oh gosh o_o Yeah. Any chatspeakers will drive me insane. :rolleyes:

Haha, I was kidding anyway. XD
Wait... 24 is one of your favorite numbers?

Oh... and uhm... banners, siggys, avatars... who's gonna make 'em? Lol. Curious.
Umm, I'll work it out. I just talked to a person about making a banner for me, so I'll ask them to make a skandarnite one instead. :) And let's have a smaller banner, so that it gives freedom in signatures still kay?

Yeh. It's my birthday number. Which makes it lucky for me.

P.S. I am listening to so much MIKA my brother is going to attack me hahahah...

I tried to be like grace kelly ahhhhahhhh

Um yeah, and also, my internet is gonna drive me insane right now, so please excuse my dodginess here...
Okay, well I can't narrow it down. Find me your six favourite skandar pictures. three edmund, three skandar normal.


I don't want to decide the pictures myself and get a banner everyone hates. :rolleyes:
Aw man xD Well, me personally, I think there should be atleast one of that new photoshoot he's got. Aaahhh, I don't wanna pick the pictures out either, haha.... well darn. Ooh! Think there should be a Enzo picture in there too? :rolleyes:
OH that would be cute. how about one enzo, one narnia, and one photoshoot. I'll check the photoshoot.. do you know where that enzo picture is?
I knoooww!!! :D

Lol. I found the link to Sophie's photobucket at the old Skandar Is Our King website. I've been trying to find all the old stuff :rolleyes:
Ooohh, first one... eh, I'm iffy about it, but it's good. It'd probably work <3

Second is amazing

AWWWWW, yes definitely. That Enzo picture is sooooo stinkin' adorable!
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