The Skandarnite Thread II

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I kind of want to meet him now.He could be like a Leo.. that's my age! :eek:

Except if hes' REAL method actor, I'll go insane.
Awww, yeah, I do too, actually. I have to wake up early tomorrow... Hawk Nelson concert o_o

But maybe just a couple more pictures...
PSST! She wants you to call her rache. :p

Hi enemy, what's up?

God, if we reform the skandarnites, no one vote me council of defense or anything, please. :rolleyes:

Ooh, haha. Okay, mental note. Tweetsie is not on defence XD

Lol, yes, it is. We've been at it for a while, though. I'm remember the old days even more now... muwahaha. Ooh, cool, MK. Nice to formally meet one of our number one enemys :D (on the 'nites', that is ;))
*wipes brow*

being at war is terribly hard work. I'm MK, to those of you who dont know, btw. :D
I'm goin with LLD.

So, now that we're civil, your banner makes me feel funny in my tummy. -sigh- SO PRETTYYY!

Sorry guys, we can't fight a war against the benjinites. Or whatever they're called. I lurve him. :o:D
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