The Telmarines

No, the evedence from the boo suports a samall, u nimpoertent isaldn in the middle of the Pasific ocean, not a contanent like Australia.
I think that Australia being the place in our world that Telmarines came from is a very good idea (hmm.....suddenly Australia sounds like a veeeeeery good vacation spot...) and yes i think Aslan would have provided for all the needs of the telmarines who went back in PC.
I think that Australia being the place in our world that Telmarines came from is a very good idea (hmm.....suddenly Australia sounds like a veeeeeery good vacation spot...) and yes i think Aslan would have provided for all the needs of the telmarines who went back in PC.

Except Australia is waaaay to big for a small group of pirates to go ahead and kill all the natives, except the women they took as wives. So although it is nice (for Australians) to think of , it's just not possible.
Making them look Spanish was just an invention of the moviemakers. I don't mind that change. The Telmarines looked cool in the movie, but Lewis never said they were Spanish.
One problem with Australia being the Island that the Telmarines landed on, and went back to. It was discovered in the 1940's. The pirates who were shipwrecked on the Island may have come from the UK via Australia though.
One problem with Australia being the Island that the Telmarines landed on, and went back to. It was discovered in the 1940's. The pirates who were shipwrecked on the Island may have come from the UK via Australia though.

Australia was discovered in the 1940s? Are you sure your history book is Earth history? oh, I know. It's an alternate universe!! Holy!! Lava, who are you? Where do you come from?:D:D
Australia was discovered in the 1940s? Are you sure your history book is Earth history? oh, I know. It's an alternate universe!! Holy!! Lava, who are you? Where do you come from?:D:D

Yes, frankly it had been discovered by the 1940's; they even participated in WWII. And that is how that sentence was intended to be read. I suppose writing that or writing it with "well before" instead of "in" would have been better but I was in a hurry when I wrote it. I know that Australia was officially discovered by Europeans in 1606 (and others talked of it before that), I had ancestors that were sent to Australia long before the 1940's when it was still a British penal colony. As for who I am, well I am a learning disabled college student from the US who doesn't always think before she writes.:D
I think that there may be a possibility that we are thinking too far North. I am thinking the island is in fact Tasmania. Isolated, small enough for the first explorers to destroy the native population. And there are many great caves and majestic caves in which a portal could have been opened.:D
Yes, frankly it had been discovered by the 1940's; they even participated in WWII. And that is how that sentence was intended to be read. I suppose writing that or writing it with "well before" instead of "in" would have been better but I was in a hurry when I wrote it. I know that Australia was officially discovered by Europeans in 1606 (and others talked of it before that), I had ancestors that were sent to Australia long before the 1940's when it was still a British penal colony. As for who I am, well I am a learning disabled college student from the US who doesn't always think before she writes.:D
Lava, I knew exactly what you meant and I realized it was a typo. I was just making a joke and you do not have to explain yourself. :)
By the Way, Telmar is past the Western Wilds. It says so in HHB during the part that talks about the Hermit's Pond: "or what robbers or wild beasts stirred in the great Western forests between Lantern Waste and Telmar."
It is possible that they were from Tasmania. However, looking at the world atlas beside me in the room I'm in, Tas. looks too big to have been conquered by pirates. Maybe I'm underestimating the number of pirates there were, but a much smaller island in the Phillipine chain makes much more sense.
After rereading the section that Aslan talks about Caspian's Earth ancestors, we know two things. One that the island is in the tropics or somewhere that palm trees can grow naturally. Two, that the island is, in the 1940s, uninhabited.

The pirates were driven to the island by a storm so it would not have been a place they would have naturally wanted to go probably. A small island (a few square miles) with a few inhabitants, possibly about a village or so, but that which can take on many more people.

I have not read the books *cries in shame*, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me who the Telmarines are and how they have to do with the movies, cuz i don't remember Telmarines being mentioned in LWW?
They are not in LWW, I got the impression from the books that the Pevensies really did not have that much interaction with Telmar on their first visit. They seemed confused in PC (the book) about Telmar in general. All we really know about the Telmarines themselves is found in PC, that they were a race of Pirates whose base of opperation was the South Pacific. They were run aground by a storm on a small, probably sparsely inhabited island where they killed the native men and took the women as booty. Six of the pirates had to run for their lives and brought their native wives into a cave on the island that was for them what the wardrobe was for the Pevensies. They ended up in the unpopulated land of Telmar. There they became a cruel people (though for pirates this isn't far to jump). Some time later a famine drove their descendants into Narnia where they conquered the land and set about removing its previous inhabitants and insulating themselves from the backlash that they had to deal with from the woods and the others. We also know that Telmar was West of the Lamp Post from HHB. We know that the island that they landed on was not discovered in the 1940's.

Things that we can assume or extrapolate from that data:
1. Telmar was probably land-locked because pirates would not have abandoned the sea without a good reason (like not having an outlet to the sea).

2. Judging by the description that Lewis gives in the books of the Telmarines and their descendants (also taking into account the history of piracy in the Pacific) the Telmarines of the book were probably Anglo-Saxon/Celtic in origin, coming to the Pacific via America or India or even the Penal Colony on Australia. They speak in a very British way in the book. Also, their actions on the island makes them pirates in the truest sense of the word so it is highly likely that they were not contemporaries of Sir Francis Drake.

3. The people who stayed after Aslan let some of them go back to the island in the Pacific quickly adopted the ways of old Narnia.
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~Lava~: Thank you, very much. That answered all my questions and was exactly what I was looking for. I have a better understanding of PC now...again thank you.
They are not in LWW, I got the impression from the books that the Pevensies really did not have that much interaction with Telmar on their first visit. They seemed confused in PC (the book) about Telmar in general. All we really know about the Telmarines themselves is found in PC, that they were a race of Pirates whose base of opperation was the South Pacific. They were run aground by a storm on a small, probably sparsely, inhabited island where they killed the native men and took the women as booty. Six of the pirates had to run for their lives and brought their native wives into a cave on the island that was for them what the wardrobe was for the Pevensies. They ended up in the unpopulated land of Telmar. There they became a cruel people (though for pirates this isn't far to jump). Some time later a famine drove their descendants into Narnia where they conquered the land and set about removing its previous inhabitants and insulating themselves from the backlash that they had to deal with from the woods and the others. We also know that Telmar was West of the Lamp Post from HHB. We know that the island that they landed on was not discovered in the 1940's.

Things that we can assume or extrapolate from that data:
1. Telmar was probably land-locked because pirates would not have abandoned the sea without a good reason (like not having an outlet to the sea).

2. Judging by the description that Lewis gives in the books of the Telmarines and their descendants (also taking into account the history of piracy in the Pacific) the Telmarines of the book were probably Anglo-Saxon/Celtic in origin, coming to the Pacific via America or India or even the Penal Colony on Australia. They speak in a very British way in the book. Also, their actions on the island makes them pirates in the truest sense of the word so it is highly likely that they were not contemporaries of Sir Francis Drake.

3. The people who stayed after Aslan let some of them go back to the island in the Pacific quickly adopted the ways old Narnia.

WOW. Lava, that is exactly how I believe it was. Your comments are well supported by the books. Nice. Do you mind if I copy your post? just in case anyone ever asks me about the Telmarines.
Australia was discovered in the 1940s? Are you sure your history book is Earth history? oh, I know. It's an alternate universe!! Holy!! Lava, who are you? Where do you come from?:D:D

Australia was discoved long before 1940. It was descovered by Able Tasman in the 1600s, then expited later by Cook in the 1700s.