
I'm extremely nervous on school does a drama club for the past 2 years but I've only considered stage crew
I love acting, its so much fun... But sadly I haven't had a chance to do one since summer of 2004 =P They NEVER give ANY notice (maybe a couple of days) before the auditions of school plays to non-drama club members and they're always at a time when i'm busy or doing somewhere where I can't make the audition (like on Friday afternoons XPPPP)

Though the last play I did bad luck was on my side =X I had been practing ALL WEEK (it was one of those pull a play together in one week thing), a few hours of day on my feet straight, it was murder. I didn't feel it was worth it for the little part I had =P We did quite a few dance numbers in HEAVY COSTUME! (it was Texas in the summer for pete sake! we were gonna fry!! X_X). Ugh... well things took a turn for the worse that friday, the day before the production. I started feeling pain all over which progressed, so I only did half a day of practice that day... Oh by mid afternoon everything but my arms/legs/head hurt like hell. My neck was in pain, my chest and abdomen was the worse and I couldn't breathe/move without terrible pain. I went to the doctor who had to have been the most retarded man in the universe and got the WORST pills ever (it made me gag so bad X_X), but by the next morning the pain was gone. I did show one that morning without any problem, then went home to take a break then went back for show two.... I only got thru one scene which I did very slugishly. I was having a reaction to the medicine and I started overheating and feeling weak. I sat out the rest of the show and the others had to take over my lines... which they resented me for but I was in so much pain I would've shot someone if I had a gun xD Afterwards I went out and everyone was all O_O WHAT IS WRONG WHY ARE YOU ALL RED?!?! and spazzing out at me.... I felt so bad because my mom came and she hadn't seen my first show, nor did my aunts husband or my grandpa (I think.. no he might've seen the first one). Well least they saw my cousin. I was a wreck, I felt so sick then it got to where I couldn't breath and I had to do the stick my head over boiling water thing.

It went away and came back 2 weeks later, went to a different doctor, was in the waiting room about 3 fricken hours, waited about 45 minutes in the examining room for the doctor, and in about 10 minutes he was able to tell it was pains from growing so tall/so fast my entire life (I never have gotten growing pains... Its just like sleeping.. when i dont sleep it builds up and then tiredness will hit me randomly instead of at once right after I loose sleep... I guess my growing pains worked the same way XP To hell with them) and my body not being able to catch up... Gave me some Mobic and some Nexium to cancel out the bad sideeffect it might have (which it also helped my upset stomach too) and I took that for 2 weeks and I was on cloud nine xD

But that whole experience ruined my experience preforming that time.. which sucked XP I want to do another play/musical/something so bad...I've never gone this long without doing one O_O!!
I'd like to try acting.. I don't know any drama club and I'm nervous on stage, but maybe I really should try. It would be fun ;D
i am a Theatre Nerd, and im in an acting troupe here in my town. summer musical=Beauty and The Beast!!!!!

i also like to read Shakespeare.
I am in LOVE with theatre, and theatre is in love with me! The last play I was in was "The 15-Minute Hamlet". Funny stuff...funny stuff! I was Laertes [if anyone knows who that is] and I got to be a real jerk of a guy! Hooray for theatre!
I want to direct a play sometime. And Produce. Don't worry, I'd have an assistant, but I love plays! It's so much fun. My choir has done a few musicals before, and I love being in those.
I love theatre. I started on my fourth year after new year. It's the city's drama club, it the biggest (except those who are in the THEATRE). But this year we'll produce our OWN act, AND we will probably show it on the THEATRE! I've never been on the stage on the huuuge theatre, only the very talented ppl get in. And ppl'll have to pay to see it, ha ha. The others have been free.

But musicals's the best! I love acting them, but im not a very good solo-singer... xP
I heart theatre! The last play I was in was an adaptation of several of Poe's stories, and I'm auditioning for a version of "Tom Sawyer" on Monday.
Aslan the Wise one said:
I also like theatre too. Got any Fav. plays.?
the amazing amazon adveture(coridnate{i go to an all girls school wedo it with mcallie} ms play)anyway also thourghly [sp?] modern millie!
also 42nd street!
all awesome!
i love theatre. I'm rubbish at acting but I love music and try my hand (or feet!) at dancing too.
eep! auditions!

i am auditioning for the role of Belle in Beauty and the Beast the 1st weekend in February!

i read some scenes today....i read Belle/Talking Wardrobe, Belle/Beast, and Belle/Gaston.......funess.

wish me luck.