
ArrowsOfSilver said:
i am auditioning for the role of Belle in Beauty and the Beast the 1st weekend in February!

i read some scenes today....i read Belle/Talking Wardrobe, Belle/Beast, and Belle/Gaston.......funess.

wish me luck.

Wow, my school is doing Beauty and the Beast!! Opening night is Feb. 1 so we've been working our butts off every day from 5pm to sometime around 9 or later. I'm in the chorus so we get off the earliast but it's still pretty late. In Be Our Guest I am the grapes. You should see my costume, it's great. And SO heavy! Today during practice one of the grapes fell off in the middle of Be Our Guest (it was the first time through that song with the costume). Oh it was great. Good luck with the audition!!

So yes, I love theatre, mostly musical theatre, but it's all fun. My only problem is my stage fright which I am slowly getting rid of (YAY!). :D
Hmm, I love theater, and I'm actually in a dramatic theater literature class, so i'm reading lots of plays this semester. I've been to Don Giovanni before though in Prague.
