This is by far the best Narnia book!


New member
I just finsihed it yesterday and I love it! Waaaaay better than the Horse and His Boy. Also, I think Disney should make a movie out of it, since it reminded me greatly of The Pirates of the Carribbean...Also, I don't understand the whole "This is you last time" thing. I mean, Lucy and Edmund had been to Narnia three times, and yet Peter and Susan were there merely for only two times...Is it because Lucy and Edmund are younger? Also, what was the point of Aslan making the gang forget about the make-stuff-gold lake? Is it because he thought it was too precious? And was it Aslan's country Reepicheep found? Or does anyone know?
Prince_Cor said:
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader...Isn't that the forum this is in?
lol :D

the book was ok but i thought it dragged a little. but for repecheep's sake i would like to see it turn into a movie. i love the amount of faith that little creature has.
Prince_Cor said:
I just finsihed it yesterday and I love it! Waaaaay better than the Horse and His Boy. Also, I think Disney should make a movie out of it, since it reminded me greatly of The Pirates of the Carribbean...Also, I don't understand the whole "This is you last time" thing. I mean, Lucy and Edmund had been to Narnia three times, and yet Peter and Susan were there merely for only two times...Is it because Lucy and Edmund are younger? Also, what was the point of Aslan making the gang forget about the make-stuff-gold lake? Is it because he thought it was too precious? And was it Aslan's country Reepicheep found? Or does anyone know?

One reason for Aslan making the gang forget about Goldwater's power is that gold fever was already causing trouble, and would likely have caused worse: Caspian and Edmund were about ready to draw sword on each other, for a start.

A really advanced reason, though probably not the one intended, is that gold is valuable only because it is rare, and if Caspian started producing gold on an industrial scale, the metal would plummet in worth and economies would collapse overnight. (But given the lack of any functioning economy or technology in Narnia, we needn't stress this too much.) :D

As to Reepicheep... carry on reading. ;)
i liked the book a lot i got done reading it for the second time two or three weeks ago. i'm on the seventh book right now for the second time.
yes im reading the seris again...but the thing is the first time i never read the last battle cuz i coulnt find it and now im running into that problem again..........sooo yeah lol never read the last battle yet!
I completely agree with you, I adore this book! This is definitely my favourite book out of the series. :D I reallllly hope they'll make a movie out of this one. Yes, I think it is because Lucy and Edmund were younger, but that's just what I think. :) And I agree with Malacandra with why Aslan made the group forget, greed can sometimes override common sense. And for if the country was Aslan's country, you'll find out once you've read all the books. :p
Prince_Cor said:
I just finsihed it yesterday and I love it! Waaaaay better than the Horse and His Boy.
I cant decied which is my favorite, and I loved all of the books, they are all equal! All truly awesome!

Prince_Cor said:
Also, I don't understand the whole "This is you last time" thing. I mean, Lucy and Edmund had been to Narnia three times, and yet Peter and Susan were there merely for only two times...Is it because Lucy and Edmund are younger?
I think that maybe its when we grow older the storys (fairytales) dont satisfy are thirst for a hero and romance and such(boys be honest nobody can resist this stuff) so in the same way, narnia could and would no longer satisfy Susan's and Peter's growing minds....(as in growing up into adults)

[QUOTE-Prince_Cor]Also, what was the point of Aslan making the gang forget about the make-stuff-gold lake? Is it because he thought it was too precious?[/QUOTE]
I agree with whoever said before about Caspian and Edmund trying to kill each other and such...

Prince_Cor said:
And was it Aslan's country Reepicheep found? Or does anyone know?
Yes I think that it was Aslan's country,Reep had to get there, or else that would be a lousy reward for a faithful servant!(and other reasons, but I dont know how to word them so I wont try)
well i don't think that this is the best narnia book (but i do love it, cause eustace is the best character of all time) ever. yah, su and peter couldn't come back cause they just got to old to be beleiving in this although pete goes on to beleive in it always. but have a great time reading the rest, their all awesome!
its definitely the best narnia book- would you agree it was a little more 'grown up' than the other books? i don't know why, but for some reason this book seems to have so much more depth and adventure and meaning...
Yes, i comletely agree. This is by far my favorite book. I can't remember where in this forum, but I said that it was the first book I ever read that really made me sad when I finished it. What I love about this book is that it flashes between euphoric joy and anxious fear like that. The whole last chapter was just how it should be. I really like the others, but there's just no comparison. The problem with THHB is that it seems to be half and half, either people hate it or they love it. I love the whole Caspian arc and it was so sad when it went so long from VDT to SC because you couldn't enjoy reading about the boy Caspian. I also think that the reason that Aslan stopped them at the gold pond was that it was making them fight on something that really wasn't worth it. It made Caspian feel that things were more important than they should be. When Reepicheep went over the wave, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. That's pretty much what I felt for the whole last few chapters of the book. Everything was going so perfectly, but it was all ending. This voyage that's taken months and months, is now over. While Reepicheep finally got his dream and Caspian met his, it's still sad. Also, did anyone see any foreshadowing in the Magician's pictures of Susan as to her fate in TLB. It had been a long time since i read this book and I just finished it today, and knowing what happened to Susan in TLB I was looking for clues in this book. Wow, this post is getting really long, so I think I"m gonna wrap it up. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was by far the best.