Red Roses New member Mar 3, 2008 #1,581 1. Marius, Steven, Jennifer, Tony 2. My conversation with Chantal! 3. Chantal likes... Troy!?!?
N NarniaFan95 Active member Mar 3, 2008 #1,582 1. Gerard. 2. Gerard's smile... 3. He makes me want to melt or something!
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,583 He will be working today Maybe I will go today I'm sooooo tired
liljentuva New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,584 1. I should probably take a shower 2. I don't feel like it just yet 3. Ooo chocolate
Lilith New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,588 Sir Benjamin the Lion said: Westley and Sara, Faith tomorrow. Graduation and benderella. Click to expand... BENDERELLA WOOHOO! =DDDD 1. dfghdfkljghfjghkdfhgkdf. 2. hes driving me CRAZY. 3. i cant take this anymore.
Sir Benjamin the Lion said: Westley and Sara, Faith tomorrow. Graduation and benderella. Click to expand... BENDERELLA WOOHOO! =DDDD 1. dfghdfkljghfjghkdfhgkdf. 2. hes driving me CRAZY. 3. i cant take this anymore.
Lilith New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,590 1. i meannnnn it. 2. stuck in parrallel worlds. 3. sjorssjorssjorssjorsssss. like dsjhgjkdfhgjhlgkjhdfkglhdfbfgnfgn. =[
1. i meannnnn it. 2. stuck in parrallel worlds. 3. sjorssjorssjorssjorsssss. like dsjhgjkdfhgjhlgkjhdfkglhdfbfgnfgn. =[
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,591 In feel a litle bit sick right now How is this possible? I think because of being sleepy and exhausted
In feel a litle bit sick right now How is this possible? I think because of being sleepy and exhausted
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,593 My thoughts are running through my head It's only one thing Or better said ..... person
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 4, 2008 #1,594 person im singing so... thats on my mind. practicing my song
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,595 Should I go to the store tonight? He has to work on Tuesdays I wish my keyboard would stop messing up my text
Should I go to the store tonight? He has to work on Tuesdays I wish my keyboard would stop messing up my text
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 4, 2008 #1,596 of course! go you know you want to
Lilith New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,597 1. stuck in parrallel worlds, its something supernatural, it wont let me go. its something paranormal, no one believes me, i feel so alone. 2. sjhdjghdfjghhdfmonddichtaub. 3. i.. need. this.
1. stuck in parrallel worlds, its something supernatural, it wont let me go. its something paranormal, no one believes me, i feel so alone. 2. sjhdjghdfjghhdfmonddichtaub. 3. i.. need. this.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 4, 2008 #1,598 Yep, I want to go but I don't have a reason right now I just came home from work Oh well...the store is open till 9 pm
Yep, I want to go but I don't have a reason right now I just came home from work Oh well...the store is open till 9 pm
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 4, 2008 #1,599 mentally prepairing myself for shcool my back hurts im tired of being sick