Lilith New member Mar 15, 2008 #221 1. take my hand, let's get famous. <3 2. head/stomach/ear/everywhereACHE. 3. bedd?
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 15, 2008 #222 Off from work! Easter is coming up No trains will be riding in my area for a whole month
Red Roses New member Mar 15, 2008 #223 1. ^Speaking of trains I couldn't sleep because of the trains last night. -_- 2. Spring break is nearly over. =[ 3. My hands are cold.
1. ^Speaking of trains I couldn't sleep because of the trains last night. -_- 2. Spring break is nearly over. =[ 3. My hands are cold.
Miss.SunFlower New member Mar 15, 2008 #224 my spring break just started 0_o early church tomorrow but it IS palm sunday.
Lucy the Marshwiggle New member Mar 16, 2008 #225 1. The church service tomorrow. 2. How tired I am. 3. Music.
Lilith New member Mar 16, 2008 #226 1. extra training 2. hdkgjdsjghARGH. i feel sickkkkkkkkkish. 3. ineedyou.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 16, 2008 #227 Thanks for ruining my day off Thanks for being so annoying Thank you so much
Miss.SunFlower New member Mar 16, 2008 #229 Mrs Gil-Galad Took said: Thanks for ruining my day off Thanks for being so annoying Thank you so much Click to expand... V!!! *huggles V* what is wrong!? Someone I love is in pain! who do I hit?
Mrs Gil-Galad Took said: Thanks for ruining my day off Thanks for being so annoying Thank you so much Click to expand... V!!! *huggles V* what is wrong!? Someone I love is in pain! who do I hit?
Lilith New member Mar 16, 2008 #230 1. humans are stupiddd. XD 2. jobjobjob.yes.pleasee..? 3. shes a ghost, a silhouette, calling out my name.
1. humans are stupiddd. XD 2. jobjobjob.yes.pleasee..? 3. shes a ghost, a silhouette, calling out my name.
Lila New member Mar 16, 2008 #231 Walk like an Egyptian... o_o Party today, yahhoo Must get this downloaded!
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 16, 2008 #232 Almost Easter I'm sooooo curious!!! What will I do? What can I expect?
Lilith New member Mar 16, 2008 #233 1. my hairs a mess. 2. i dont careeeeeeeee. 3. im dancingggggg/headbanging.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 16, 2008 #234 I did headbanging too a while ago...I looked like Kate Bush The store My car
Lilith New member Mar 16, 2008 #235 1. kate bush is......funny. XD 2. smells like teen spirittttttttt. 3. LONDON CALLINGG.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 16, 2008 #236 Nirvana was hot when I met my ex bf He was a heavy metal freak like my bro I'm not although I love rock I must say Kate Bush is ehm....ehm...gaat wel moet ik zeggen
Nirvana was hot when I met my ex bf He was a heavy metal freak like my bro I'm not although I love rock I must say Kate Bush is ehm....ehm...gaat wel moet ik zeggen
Lilith New member Mar 16, 2008 #237 1. heavy metal freaks are.....either REALLY nice or REALLY stupid =/ 2. sjors is just a punk dude tho =D 3. punk is better than metal. XD
1. heavy metal freaks are.....either REALLY nice or REALLY stupid =/ 2. sjors is just a punk dude tho =D 3. punk is better than metal. XD
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 16, 2008 #238 My ex was from harlingen This small town was known for the most unemployeed and addicted people His heavy metal friends were........................eikels
My ex was from harlingen This small town was known for the most unemployeed and addicted people His heavy metal friends were........................eikels
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 16, 2008 #239 *sigh* im trying to find full body pics of edmund and aslan (not together) on grass backgrounds it not proving very easy vanessa is so wonderful
*sigh* im trying to find full body pics of edmund and aslan (not together) on grass backgrounds it not proving very easy vanessa is so wonderful