1. Im sure you never look at guys butts...intentionally
2. fernshirehobbit I LOVE ur sig, My Fair Lady is one of my favorite movies!
3. My mommy brought home Swedish Fish and Im addicted to them....AHHH!!!
1. My cats stare and growl at each other all the time.
2. I love Audreys dress in My Fair Lady, when there at the races!
3. So much for getting offline
2. Lol he'd probably be creeped out if I told him that...
3. On April Fool's day as a trick I told Samantha that I was going to an MCR concert and had backstage passes and was gonna get my picture with Gerard Way and she believed me. I kept the act up all day and right before I left to get on the bus, I was like, "Oh, by the way, April Fools! I ain't going to no concert!" XD
1. Ha ha Im bad at April Fools jokes...I always get caught in the act!
2. I HAVE TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Mmm I smell dinner......