Three Things on Your Mind III

1. Krista thinks Bart is hot. haha. Must remember to tell Jennifer. =)
2. Books, books and more books!
3. I should start working on my English questions now. -.-'
1. Yes, you're right I have the rest of the night to do my homework. :p
2. Marius. <3
3. Steven, Marius and Dylan drove this teacher at my school CRAZY today. I felt so sorry for her, but I couldn't stop laughing at Steven and Marius. I was looking at Marius mostly. :o:p
1. Ha ha I have no homework this week :D (Sorry, I had to rub it in)
2. Marius?? Hmm another guy.....whos he?
3. Yah Im really nosy. Sorry. :D You dont hafta tell me if ya dont wanna.
1. Hah! Today's a good day for me! I was doing homework yesterday from the moment I got home until midnight. :rolleyes:
2. Marius is the guy I like. Super hot, and super immature. :p
3. You're not nosy. Say, can I add you on msn? I see you have Yahoo but it still works...
2. Hey, the guy I like is super immature, too!! Why do we let them do that to us??
3. Yah you can add me :D Or can you? *mischevious smile*
i am wearing my hair up
it will make my freshmen friends happy because they have been wanting me too like all year
elshahdi (sp) is on the radio. i love that song
i need to find background music for a song
iv been asked to sing sunday evening
my dad is upset that i still dont know what im singing:rolleyes:
lol yup
but, i will decide what to sing today...hopefully...:p
i admire johny erickson tada alot. she has gone through alot and yet, she still is full of hope and peace.
have you heard the song "the 151st psalm"?
i think i will sing that if i can find background music
im sure your apartment will look amazing when you are done!:D
that or ill just look in my dad's drawer of cassets and pic one lol
time for shcool
lov ya, ness! see ya later. if katey or april gets on while im at shcool, hug them for me! *leaves*