Three Things on Your Mind III

1. I hope I don't die. I feel like I will. Darn you, cold/sickness/flu whatever you are. I don't like you >.<
2. Bounce by TFK is really catchy...
3. I hope they play it if we see 'em in a month
1. STALKKEEERR ^ lmao. ik ging laatst nog zo'n jongen stalken voor n vriendin ='] HIJ VINDT DE QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE GOED O_O dus hij is cool XD
2. fer sure maybe, fer sure not, fer sure eh, fer sure bomb.
3. dance the night away.
1. I'm NEVER going to trust any of you again. I can only put up with so much...
2. I miss you and love you. At the same time I hate you more than you'd believe.
3. *bites lip* Point of no return. Do I dare cross the line?
^ hahaha^ I couldn't help it he just walked out in his normal clothes and walked to his car :D So I noticed he drives a read car as well and yesterday I saw the same car and I studied the license plate!

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1-It´s funny how there seems to happen equally much in the first 3 centuries of my country´s history as happens in the later 6 I am studying O.o
2-I miss my friend Chantel
3-Violin abernaturlicht :D