Three Things on Your Mind III

The storms are slowing down here
my dad calmed me down A LOT
what would I do without him?

Consider yourself lucky......whenever it storms here and I freak out my mom just looks at me with this "Your an idiot." sort of look and says "Oh, would you shut up!!" and my dad just kinda gives me this "Your insane." look and walks off. It's kinda funny actually...or maybe I just have a vary demented way of thinking...which could be entirely possible....:rolleyes:
I think we must live in the same area. Every time we post on the "weather in your area" thread it is always close to the same thing.

I think so. I thought you said you live in the midwest...I'm in Missouri. And its calmer now, going across the river....*phew*
me too! well there we have it! We're in the same state. I won't ask about where you are in missouri or nothing... privacy/safety is important!!!

LIKE, NO WAY!! :D Thats so cool! I'm in St Louis. Not really. Near it. Sort of. Well, kind of far away. :p
Awww, I hope that good things are happening between you two, mum:D:D
And I hope you'll get better

1. I'm Angry! I discovered something that can make me the angriest:mad::mad:
2. I'm furious
3. It brings heart pain
Thanks love!

Rene always wants to get my attention
I laughed myself crazy when I found out he almost drove into the water with his car
Not because he drove into the water (that's scary) but who is going to turn the car around at a very small road???????????????
2. Not that anyone ever coments on/reads my stories or anything on deviantArt...:rolleyes:
3. I'm desperate for people to read them...I give the link to my teachers and friends...I even put the link in my siggy! (Hint hint)