Three Things on Your Mind III

1. Okay, I just had the creepiest day of my life. 0_o
2. Is this NORMAL?
3. Haha. Okay, if they whole thing is so creepy why do I laugh every time someone mentions it? :confused:
Oook, well I was sitting in my homeroom and I sit by the door so I like watching people walk by. Anyways, so I was doing my work and I felt like I HAD to look up. I looked up and this really hot guy (Chris) walked by. I started hyperventilating and I'm like oook, that was weird and then I go back to my work. A few minutes pass by and once again I get that feeling. So I look up again and he's walking by again. And by then I was like "this is creepy". And I go back to my work. A few minutes later the teacher asked my class if anyone knew where the upstairs kitchen was and only a few of us did. Including me. So she asks me to give something to the teacher who's supposed to be teaching a class in the kitchen. I go upstairs and guess what!

1. I got to get off now. =(
2. I still haven't finished my english.
3. school tomorrow. =(
if hes hot then it doesnt really matter! [jk jk jk jk]
1-no school tomorow
2- my friend
3- im a horrible person
-How I have work at 3am tomorrow morning and I'm not in bed yet (its past 8pm)
-Skandar (when isn't he on my mind) Official Skandarnite here!
-my dad who passed away three weeks ago (R.I.P.)