Three Things on Your Mind

*high fives* Ohh yaaah, I did it this morning. :p

1) Imagining if Marius and Adi were on TDL, haha
2) Tomorrow.
3) Prince Charmings.

i wish they were:p i could tell Adi how much i love him. *sighs*

1. my wedding!! (with adi of course;))
2. Adi falling off the mountain and breaking his neck. *glares at Gaby*
3. my math teacher
1. homework which i really have to do now, just before school starts. ^^
2. woohoo! ich liebe COMMENTS at myspace. lol.
3. jeroen, somehow. x] cos he sent me a lot of songs. =]
1 math, grr.
2 people of the male gender
3 canada.........not sure why......except that canada has moose (meese. the plural of moose should be meese. *nods*) and moose r cool.