To arms, fellow Duffers!

True. I think that what I heard had to do more with our mindset reality. Reality as they were talking about is not so much a thing, but a mindset, or idea(like logic). You can't operate on reality directly because it's not a thing. You have to operate on it by changing people's mindset, since reality is an idea. There are all the things that really exist(houses, clothes, computers, etc) but its the way you see them that defines your reality. If you were rich and snobby, you could see a small house as being ugly and bad, but if you're not rich and snobby, you can see it as a nice, cozy house(you could still see it as a nice and cozy house if you were rich and snobby, but there's a lot less chance of it). It's things like these that make one person's reality different from another's.

I'm not sure if this made a lot of sense, but it's difficult to explain.
yep, i can agree to that. that's why expressions like "walking in someone else's shoes" etc. make sense. seeing reality from another one's point of view.
I don't have a problem with bananas in general. It's the squashed ones I don't like. Especially when younger siblings rig them to fall on my head when I get out of bed.
Bananas are okay--I really do dislike papya though. Or was it mango? I can't remember.
that is either chinese or a spelling error, but i don't really want to know, because i'm sure it's supposed to annoy me. but guess what? i'm not listening nananananana nanananononot listening lalalalalalala. hah!

Okay, spelling error. Sorry for that. Should be Lychee,
American Heritage said:
1. A Chinese tree (Litchi chinensis) that bears bright red fruits, each of which has a large single seed with a white, fleshy, edible aril.
2. The nutlike fruit of this tree. Also called litchi nut.

Lovely fruit, probably my favorite. Very juicy and perfect for hot summer days.

could we maybe not... talk about... fruit?

APPLE apple apple apple apple apple apple apple broccoli apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple
APPLE apple apple apple apple apple apple apple broccoli apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple


(ha! didn't think i would dare beat back, did ya?)