To arms, fellow Duffers!

Sorry Olorinsesss, but your evil beard made all the other pink paint disappear, since it wants to be the only one covered in pink, so that its pinkness will be seen by the entire world. I mean, i could stop it, but it's just too funny :D

And no, MF, you can't win :p And you're not that short, immature maybe :p
If mob-forming is a law of nature, i wonder why it never happends in my real life...




It was just proven, if the laws of nature don't apply, my real life cannot be real. Therefore, this must be it.


That does mean i'll be able to fly, gravity is gone. Yay:D We could fly into the skandarnites thread now!!!
I agree *pokes too* And just to be very very sure *locks LR in a cage with Cliff Richard who's singing 'so long and thanks for all the fish' and Captain Hook who's poking her while a whale comes falling by...*
