New member
She motioned forward slightly still unsure of what to do. She had heard the gun shot but didnt know who the bullet had hit. "Are....you...okay?" she stammered out asking the boy, moving closer but keeping her distance.

Yoh did not expect someone else, he noticed it was a girl's voice...he turned slowly..and looked at her.."Ms...Baker.." he began, stammering..."She was..." it was hard for him to continue, his hands were all sweat, and in his eyes she could see he was shocked..."Shot..." he turned back to the door, and gulped. He tryed to open again..."Its locked.."
2nd Murder
Mr. Norito, Kaisi's grandfather, was as usually at home. Today was a little break from work, and he decided he would just stay and relax a bit.
"That Kaisi...he could have taken his car, instead of walking...he really does care a little too much about what his friends think about him" He told himself. Suddenly he jumped slightly...'clash!' He heard like a sound like someone broke a window.."Oh..those kids, guess they broke another window with some ball.." he began as he walked where he heard the noise...he got there, but stopped dead in his tracks..."Wait!.." he raised both hands..."please dont....dont...shoot.." he told the man...he semmed to laugh...from chuckling, to then truly laughing...he loaded the gun...and started pulling the trigger slowly..."no....please!! why?.." he tryed to make him throw the gun, but after the fight between them...The gun shot was heard...nothing else could be done.
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