OOC: Sorry, been busy, not had chance to come on.
Klux Maltroon was busy in the Cryo-Chamber, where the Cryo-Pods were stored. Though just a prototype for this voyage, they were guaranteed. At any rate, they were made by the Chinese, so they gotta be top class, right?
But, Klux was experiencing slight problems. He grunted lightly in anguish before getting up from behind the Cryo-Pods, a small tube in his hand that held light blue liquid.
Using his other hand to press the Communication button on his spacesuit, Klux talked on the frequency that linked him to the captrain, Sasha Gregorivich or whatever his name was.
"Captain, we seem to have a problem in Sector Nine, zero-seven-Alpha. The Cryo-Pods stasis and coolant line need to be replaced. Any orders, sir?"
Normally, Klux Maltroon would work on it himself straight away, but he had to stick by the Russian Captain's rules and regulations. Sure, he was a smart-aleck American, but Klux knew it was better to be on good terms with the rest of the crew otherwise there would be no point in the mission of an Inter-National Spaceship Expedition.