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Is there any Troy fans out there? Anyways who would be your fave charectar? Mine would have to be Achilles. Or Hectar. I love orlando bloom, he did good oplaying prince Paris but he seems as a coward in the movie as Paris's charecter
well i always loved the mythology behind achilles, just cool stuff there. Now I was not liking orlando bloom, i seriously think he is quite a wussy, lol. But i do like LOTR, Troy, and Pirates of the Carribean, but its for the other people, lol. I like him in LOTR, just wish he would stop being in all these other movies

Didn't like Troy much. Brad Pitt kind of scared me off. I do like Greek mythology though! I have to say Hector is my favourite!
The Prince said:

I remember really loving Theseus the first time I read Greek mythology - I'm with ya Prince!

I didn't care for the movie Troy at all (to many guys, to many hills, and to many mini-skirts, enough said! ;) ) but Sean Bean played Odysseus (sp?) and at least brought some dignity back to the film, so he'd be my favorite character in the movie.

I think the movie would have been a lot better if they'd left the gods in it, not that I'm a polytheis or anything, but the story was so much better before they messed around with it.
GrayCloak said:
I think the movie would have been a lot better if they'd left the gods in it, not that I'm a polytheis or anything, but the story was so much better before they messed around with it.

Ditto. I was really hoping to see Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite get in a cat fight about who was the prettiest. Them going at it was, imho, the best part of the book.

I think I laughed through most of the movie...but then I watched it on video with some friends, and we mocked it relentlessly.

- Lu
I agree with most of you - love mythology, hated Troy, though I did laugh at it.
First off I did NOT like Troy...
...But it was perfectly cast for the most part. Think about it...
...Scrawny, wavy-haired, in-love-with-himself Orlando Bloom as Paris
...Self-absorbed, loose-moraled, also-in-love-with-himself Brad Pitt as Achilles
...Sean Bean, who alone of the main characters had a brain as Odysseus
...and some dumb blonde as Helen

I could contiune but why waste more time on this movie than I have?


PS "Shudder" I remeber those hills and miniskirts greycloak! "Shudder again" Too much leg not enough sword.
ooh, harsh words! yeah, i'm not the biggest fan of the movie Troy - however, the legend itslef is fascinating! the movie missed and embroidered so much! i think the parts were cast very well though...
lyra x
yeah, I missed the mythology component too. Overall, I thought it was pretty well cast ('specially Hector) except for Helen who looked a little plain. What I really disliked was that some of the legend was changed: Paris grew up with Hector, Paris survived the fall of Troy, etc. (don't remember what else!) It was a great disappointment, on the whole.
I admit, Hector was well written and well acted...I didn't recognize the guy playing Hector...Does any one know what else he has been in?

-Jene Sai
GrayCloak said:
And JS, nice avie - does the eye have any significance?

...No significance other than my eyes are green...
...Thanks for the Eric Bana link but I don't know if I will ever accept him as the Hulk...Green and purple aren't my thing.

I forget what its rated probably pg-13 or a little higher i dont really know, i know i say it when i was thirteen years old:eek::eek:, and im turning 15 this year. I really only enjoyed the battle scenes,b/c the rest was just pretty much all about like love things, which seems to be in like all movies these days.
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Nope, I won't even see it when I'm older. It's rater R because of it's graphic violence, nudity, and some other things. The main reason I wouldn't want to see it is becuase of the sexual content. Hard to stay pure for your future spouse when you see that kind of stuff.
I respect you Avaris of Archenland! I too am not or ever will see Troy because of the explicit sexual content. Why must Hollywood always add explicit sexual content to good adventure stories? :confused: I too do not watch many R rated movies unless they are Gladiator and the original Matrix which are R rated but do not contain the sexual content that is in Troy! Anywho I pretty much look up all content of the movie on before I see movies. Right now I have finished watching Full Metal Alchemist which is a japanese anime which contains hardly any sexual content. Its a wonderful series even though it has occult content. But that does not bother me because I am mature enough(age 16) to know that all that is in the show is unrealistic. I reccomend King Kong, POTC, the Harry Potter and Star War movies, and The Corspe Bride. They are all clean wonderful movies without the sexual content that most Hollywood movies have