
It seemes like thats all movies are about these days, except the good movies that are respectable. I enjoy ancient times kind of movies so i can see what it was like in those times, because i like ancient history, not for the sexual content, thats why i enjoyed Gladiator the most of like all the anicient times themed movies, even though it was pretty grusome :eek: :eek: in the gladitorial ring,but it was a better movie than Troy, or King Arthur, ect.
Thanks for that link fantasyfreak
Fantasyfreak you are right about how they ruin good adventure stories,
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fantastyfreak said:
I respect you Avaris of Archenland! I too am not or ever will see Troy because of the explicit sexual content. Why must Hollywood always add explicit sexual content to good adventure stories? :confused: I too do not watch many R rated movies unless they are Gladiator and the original Matrix which are R rated but do not contain the sexual content that is in Troy! Anywho I pretty much look up all content of the movie on before I see movies. Right now I have finished watching Full Metal Alchemist which is a japanese anime which contains hardly any sexual content. Its a wonderful series even though it has occult content. But that does not bother me because I am mature enough(age 16) to know that all that is in the show is unrealistic. I reccomend King Kong, POTC, the Harry Potter and Star War movies, and The Corspe Bride. They are all clean wonderful movies without the sexual content that most Hollywood movies have

I look up reviews on that site as well. But, I wouldn't recommend Harry Potter. I do want to see Corpse Bride and Star Wars.
I just watyched Troy last night.....It was my first time seeing it... XD I'm such a loser! But I loved it. ....Brad Pitt looks like an ape....Lol!

Why, Patroclus is my favorite, of course! ...And anyone who knows me knows why...Garrett Hedlund...*innocent eyelash flutter* Well he can't be my favorite character JUST because he's hot, of course. He seemed determined and stubborn to me...I usually like determined/stubborn guys in movies. Female-wise favorite character.....Um....Briseis? I dunno...Probably Briseis. She was strong and brave even when She was captured and taken to Mr. Apeman Achilles. XD Apeman Achilles....That works! I'll have to remember that for me and my brother's improv (sp?) during the movie. We always make little joke remarks during serious movies like that. Apparently when Achilles told Patroclus to guard the boat he (Patroclus) drew a teddy bear on it...And Paris had rasberry jelly in his leg, not blood....After Achilles killed Hector and that old dude came to his tent he looked like he was about to say, "Get away from me, you freak!" XD And before Paris battles he's like, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-I'M GONNA LIVE! No! I'mgonnadieI'mgonnadieI'mgonnadie!" Lol... My brother and I are such weirdos sometimes......Okay, most of the time. I'm getting carried away..
I respect you Avaris of Archenland! I too am not or ever will see Troy because of the explicit sexual content. Why must Hollywood always add explicit sexual content to good adventure stories? :confused: I too do not watch many R rated movies unless they are Gladiator and the original Matrix which are R rated but do not contain the sexual content that is in Troy! Anywho I pretty much look up all content of the movie on before I see movies. Right now I have finished watching Full Metal Alchemist which is a japanese anime which contains hardly any sexual content. Its a wonderful series even though it has occult content. But that does not bother me because I am mature enough(age 16) to know that all that is in the show is unrealistic. I reccomend King Kong, POTC, the Harry Potter and Star War movies, and The Corspe Bride. They are all clean wonderful movies without the sexual content that most Hollywood movies have
I would add to that list with The Patriot. It is 'R', but it's good! No sexual content there. I have seen Troy, and I would only watch it for the action.
Hallmark Channel runs Troy occasionally, and I have watched parts of it *shhh! my parents can't know* and it seemed as if they had edited some of it *there wasn't hardly any nudity or sexual content; and some of the battle scenes had been edited to cut it down a bit* so it would have qualified for PG-13. I'd like to see it again that way; mainly because the Trojan War is interesting; although I haven't read all of The Illiad.
ehh i like troy, not an amazing movie, but it was great entertainment and i saw it twice in the theatres and occasionally on dvd.
at first i was disappointed they didn't include the stuff from mythology, since i LOVE the golden apple story from the illiad, but i guess that would've taken away from the action and made the film a lot longer than it was.
hector is my ideal man basically, faithful to his family, rational, funny, kind, and not to mention ridiculously hot. like daniel craig, eric bana is a man's man... if you guys like him, you have to see MUNICH. top notch writing and directing and great acting from eric bana AND daniel craig.
i hated paris but i think he served his purpose.
the romance between achilles and briseis is completely made up for the movie, but i enjoyed it. it gives achilles' character another layer beyond the "hero".
the score was ok, the cinematography is great, the design was fabulous.
At last...

I haven't seen a thread of an epic movie for so long...

OK, my favourite character is Odysseus, and Hector also. I've also watched Helen of Troy (2003) and it's a great movie also (there appears the elf-maiden Sienna Guillory... really a goddess), but still has more explicit sexual content, and the violence... well, Troy is better, that's for sure.

As for me, and being 21, I have no problem with sexual content and violence (unless it is crudely vulgar and really senseless as some very cheap B or R rated movies, most of them who go directly to DVD... as for my Epic movies, I defend them with my Claymore... well, perhaps, not Eragon at all... don't ask me why)

Of course, it was to be expected some changes... i.e. 10 years, the mythological stuff, Achilles love for Patroclus (that is true, and don't flame them... respect that, for such it was that stuff in those times).

I'll post more comments here since I'm an Epic Lover... so, I'll leave you this:

And also, I'll tell you some things about the other movie, Helen of Troy (2003 version, remember).
If you refer to Helen of Troy, good for you to be more open minded to some movies that sometimes seem to be launched directly for DVD (they can't be that bad... well, unless I miss my guess:p)

Even so, there are some sequences that indeed, are unappropiate for those who have... well, I'll say just unappropiate.
The Illiad is actually one of my favorites books (Or poems, after all it´s an epic poem)
But I confess it´s quite hard for me to read it, but I love it.
Certainly Hector is my fav character, such a brave and noble warrior!!

But The Odyssey, I love The Odyssey even more, sucha fantastic book.

We have to read both when we are in High School, not a good idea to read The Illiad in High School.
It was a long time ago, long ago High School years THANXS

Anout the movie... Troy.. well, I liked the movie but it changes too much.
The best and accurate are Hector and Aquiles.
And the best fight is Hector vs Aquiles :D:D
Mmhhh... somehow I can imagine the kind of difficulties that you and others might have had when reading those epics (oh, how much I love that word:D), for example the translation, the editions, etc.

And I agree with you, Achilles VS Hector was the best combat.