Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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Elenor grabbed the end of the pieces of string attached to the swing and jumped into the tree above her.

She found a resonable branch and she called down to Luna, "Tell me when its the right hight to swing on."

She strated to endge the string slowly up the branch.
She nodded " Yes, and jumping to breach to breach," she told her, now getting of the swing letting her to get on.

OOC: I get to go dinner is called then I have to finsh reading and everything.
"Ah," he let out a sigh and shook his head, "mainly," he stopped and looked down at the food on the coffee table, "how comfortable I feel around and I barely know you," he looked up again with a smile.
Mara smiled, "I feel the same way." She looked at the food then back at him, "maybe we've met before and just dont remeber," she joked.
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